The Warning

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Everyone left the living room an hour or two ago, which left Sally and me together. She was such a kind kid that she gave me a tour of the house. More like a mansion. The place was huge. Now and then Sally would stop by a door and tell me to never go in there but the only one that stood out was one that was made of metal instead of wood. It looked cold and isolated to the point where it made me think what was hidden in there? What was keeping us out?

A few minutes later, Sally brought me to her room and I was surprised as to how small and how decorated it was. As well as how messy because toys were everywhere. Where are her parents?

The whole time we did what she wanted and it somehow ended up with me in a big poofy dress and a tiara. Playing princess was never something I was fond of but she was just a kid so I let it be.

It wasn't long after my bladder couldn't handle it, due to the tea, Aka the juice. I asked Sally for directions to the bathroom but she took me there instead and then left me. Probably thinking that finding my way back will be easy but it wasn't. After using the bathroom, and ignoring the mirror, I  took a few wrong turns and stumbled across the metal door. One of the room that Sally said to never enter yet there was a part of me that wanted to.

What could be in there? Who could be in there? Was it a sex dungeon? Instantly I gave myself a mental slap for having such a dirty mind but while those thoughts left, my curiosity didn't.

My hand automatically moved to reach the doorknob because whatever is in there couldn't be worse than seeing your own dead body. Right?

My hand didn't make any contact with the doorknob at all for some force was pushed against my back and my body was against the wall. Some weight keeping me there that the air in my lungs could disappear at any moment.

There was a growl next to my ear and my body stiffened. "What were you doing?" The voice sounded familiar that my mind instantly knew who it was.

"Jack! I-I wasn't doing a-anything. I-I s-swear."

"You're a terrible liar!" He grabbed my body to turn me around and then pushed me back onto the wall. My eyes looked at his blue mask but some black substance was on it. Pouring out from where the eyes should be. "You were trying to go in, weren't you?" Instinctively, my head started shaking from left to right but it only caused his grip on me to tighten. "I don't like how Slender wants you to stay but if you're staying then I want you to leave the room alone. It's mine and if I, or anyone else, catch you in trying to enter, I'll make sure to kill you and keep you dead for good."

He let go of me but before he could walk away he looked down at the dress Sally gave and then down the hallway. "Go down there and take a left. You'll be able to see Sally's familiar decorated door." He then walked away while I had so many questions in my head about what just happened but it was all drowned out when I remembered his warning. Is that the only reason he'll kill me or will he kill me no matter what reason there is? It didn't really matter because one thing was certain, he was a dangerous guy. One I had to get away from.

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