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I don't know why but at the moment my bedroom door closed, I just started to cry. I had no explanation for I wasn't sad at all yet the tears were full of sorrow. I did my best to stop, even think of my happiest moments but that only made me cry even harder. It was like that for what seemed like hours and I was so close to drifting off to sleep until I heard the bedroom door open.

I was on my bed when the sound of footsteps began to echo throughout the room, my mind already knowing who it was. I quickly turned around so my tear stained face was looking the other direction. It was then that I heard what sounded like a spoon falling onto a plate. While my curiosity was growing, I still didn't dare look back.

"Look, I don't care much about you but Slender told me to give you your breakfast, so eat up."

"He told you to give it to me, not to make sure I ate it. You completed your order so leave."

"This is my room too!" Jack said with anger clear in his voice.

"I got cramps," I said, hoping he would know what that meant and to not see through my lie. Of course, I'm not on my period but isn't that the only way a woman can freak out a guy?

"Don't care. My room." I heard him set my breakfast on the foot of my bed and then I heard the springs of his bed as he sat down.

"I'm an emotional mess," I said, hoping that will get him to leave.

"If you haven't noticed, everyone here acts like they're on their period every day. Jeff is the type that will go from happy to dangerously angry in a split second. BEN is the highly horny teen girl with balls-" I had to stop myself from laughing on that last one. Why did he have to say that? "Clockwork is the thin ice girl. Touch the subject, you get a punch and, in this case, lay a finger on Toby and your dead."

"Why do you care? You want to kill me-" I paused a second, "Again but for good."

There was a moment of silence that I almost believed that he left but if I heard him enter then I would have been able to hear him leave. "I don't care. Like I said. this is my room too so I get to choose when I want to stay or go. Deal with it." I stayed on my bed, facing the wall and hoping he won't try to kill me while my back is turned to him.

It was quiet in the room and while it should have been uncomfortable, it was rather relaxing. After all, when everything and everyone leaves you, silence is the one thing that stands by you. Though my silence was broken I heard some movement. It was Jack but I still didn't dare look to see what he was doing.



He sounded calm and a bit closer than normal but maybe he raised his voice a bit? "What do you do in the mornings? It's just that every time I wake up, you are already gone."

"You don't need to know that."

"Well can you at least tell me why you watch me every night while I'm trying to sleep?"

"Why should I?"

"Because it just seems creepy but I know you have a good reason."

There was a pause for a moment and then he decided to answer "It's because I wait for you to sleep so that I can sleep."

"Why though?"

"I don't want you to see me. I don't like people seeing me without my mask."

"But I saw you without your mask a few days ago-" I paused "Or at least half of your face."

"Eat your food." I couldn't help but smile because his response just let me know that I might have cornered him.

Changed Life (Eyeless Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now