Short Torture

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"No! Let me go! Let me go!" I've been screaming at the faceless man to put me down ever since he grabbed me with those weird looking black tentacles. He hasn't said a word at all and all the other people on the mansion were following him. Some had some evil looking smiles on them and when I say some, I mean the ones that don't have masks on. The rest could be smiling too for all I know. They were all monsters and I knew that since the moment I met them yet, for some reason, I still call them people and am sometimes comfortable here. I don't want to be yet that's how I feel whenever the alarming thoughts aren't in my head.

I heard a door open and my eyes widened at the sound. Were they going to lock me in a room and starve me to the point where I will be close to death? My mind knew that being in a state of panic was not a good idea but panic was the only thing that I could feel. I screamed and pleaded for Slender to put me down. At one point, I was able to kick his arm and his grip tightened around my waist. It didn't hurt as much but it doesn't mean it didn't make me wince. He was really mad at me and a part of me knew why. I was pushing his buttons. I was pushing everyone's buttons and that's why I'm being punished but what could be worse than being roomed with a killer?

When I snapped back into reality, I saw there were stairs before the door closed and everything went dark. It was cold and way too quiet for my own comfort. A light then appeared in the room and I could see that we were in a basement. Oh hell no. Basements are creepy enough, now I have to be in one where these people live?

Things were worse in this basement. There were weapons lined up against the wall and none of them were clean. I could tell that there was dried blood on a lot of them. My only hope was that these weapons were used on animals. Hunting weapons. While my hope was strong, there was a tiny voice in my head telling me that that wasn't the case.

My body was slammed against a chair and before I had time to bolt up and head for the stairs, my arms and legs were held down. Soon to be tied against the wooden chair. I rocked it back and forth, trying to get free of the bonds around my limbs.

Soon, a sound echoed throughout the whole room and the left side of my face was stinging. I was slapped. I stopped yelling as I was in complete shock and looked at the person in front of me. Jeff. Of course it would be him. He wants to kill me.

"I'm going to enjoy this." His hands were in the pocket of his hoodie and when they were out, he held a knife. It was creeping closer next to me before he stopped and turned around "Anyone got a camera?" no one responded at all. Instead, Jack shrugged and went upstairs. Probably his silent way of saying that he was going to get it. "While he's busy, I'm going to just-" A pain shot throughout my thigh that it made me scream in agony. I tried to hold it back and tears were about to flow as I bit my lower lip. A knife was piercing through the skin of my thigh. "Whoops. My bad." he gave the most disturbing laugh

He was then pushed away and the knife was pulled out, causing me to scream again. It was Sadie that was in front of me now but she did not have that friendly smile I wished she had before. "Please. Don't do it."

"You should have thought of that before messing with me." She plunged the knife back into my open wound but twisted it, slowly. Every second was agonizing and every second I was screaming. It was only when she stopped that my screams were cut off. "I have a better idea. Why don't we match?" Those four words confused me and I wished I was left on confusion but I seemed my wish wasn't going to come true. Soon enough, Sadie's finger started to dig into my eye socket. Trying to dig it out as I struggled to get away from her.

She stopped as a loud slam was able to be heard from a loud distance. Jack soon coming into view and with a camera. I wanted to get angry because he would be recording my pain but hug him because his intrusion saved me from losing one of my eyes. My eyelid was closed while the other was open, letting me see what was going on. Why was this my punishment?

A man with brown hair and a white mask came up to me with a crowbar in his hands. Sadie gladly moved away and the next thing I know, he hit me with it. Almost like he wanted to smash my head open. The pain in my head was hard to handle. I just wanted to be unconscious already. Then there was a pain right above my stomach. I wanted to scream but only pitiful sounds escaped my lips. When I looked down, I saw that his crowbar was now inside me. Through my heart which was impossible because you need crazy strength to do that. Blood was now pouring out of my new wound.

I coughed up blood, wanting to wipe it up but even if my hands were free I probably didn't have the strength to left them up. "I......" What did I want my last words to be before I died? I always thought my last words would be around the people I love but that's not the case now. So what do I say? Something they never heard before and will always remember. "I bet your mom can do better." And just like that, I lost my life.

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