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Athena POV
I was stuck at the hospital for 5 days after I was put in a one day coma from the motorcycle accident. I was finally able to go home today after I made my parents trip delayed by a day.
Once I got home I went to my room and laid down. My brother Zeus walked into my room with red swollen eyes. I immediately opened my arm knowing he would want to sleep with me tonight.
Ever since our older siblings died in a motorcycle accident, our whole family had been very careful around the vehicle.
I knew my brother didn't like being seen as a child, I knew that this accident should hurt him. We were both seventeen but at this moment, I was his older sister that would protect him from the harsh cruel world for as long as I possibly could.
We soon feel asleep and awoke to my alarm going off for school.
"Are you really going to go to school today?" Zeus asked as he slowly rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
"Of course. My teachers will be wondering where I went, I also have to work on an assignment that is due in a week with my partner." I softly responded.
He looked me in the eyes and slowly nodded.
He chose my outfit today. He grabbed me some dark navy jeans, a white shirt and a plaid flannel to wear around my waist. I asked for my furry slippers but her gave me my white ballerina flats instead.
I shrugged and stood up. We both walked to school together and when to class, I promised to meet him after school in front of the building to walk home and if anything changed then I was supposed to text him.
When I got to my locker, I grabbed all of my stuff and went to my English class.
I was too emotionally and physically tired that I didn't even say hello to Deimos. Although I did look at him for most of the class period. He noticed that someone was looking at him looked around so I quickly ducked my head. After our short lesson on what our papers were supposed to be about, our teacher advised us to continue working.
I slowly got out of my chair and made my way over to Deimos.
"Where the hell have you been?! I haven't been able to get anything done on this project because of you!" He exclaimed as I sat down.
"I had to leave for personal issues, I can work on it at any time to make up for it. I'm so sorry." I said the last part quietly.
He huffed before saying, "Fine, call you absence whatever you want. After school we're going to my house to finish this as fast as possible."
"Can I possibly meet you a 30 minutes after school, can't meet right after school." I said, thinking of my brother.
"I thought you said you could do any time." Deimos said sounding annoyed.
"Oh! Okay, I'll meet you after school then." I quickly said.
I walked back to my seat and got out my phone to text Zeus.
'Hello, I have to meet someone after school for a project. Go ahead and walk home without me. I will be fine. We can meet up at lunch if you would like:)'
I waited a few minutes till he responded with 'okay, im not surprised that your working on a project. We'll meet at the third table into the cafeteria for lunch.'
Once I put my phone away the bell rang so I quickly packed up and went to my next class.
It was finally lunch and I realized that I had barely eaten anything. I knew that if I lifted my shirt up, my stomach would not look the least bit healthy.
I went to the bathroom and lifted up my shirt. I saw my waist protruding and my ribs still poking out but I liked how I looked skinny. I liked how my stomach caved in on itself and how skinny it made me look.
I decided that I was going to eat lunch because I didn't want to ruin my skinny stomach.
When I got to the cafeteria I saw my brother at the table he specified. I walked over and noticed all the 'cool' people sitting with him.
You could say that my brother was very popular. He got good grades and all of his friends were the 'popular rich guys' so I knew this lunch was going to be a hassle.
I sat down next to my brother and noticed him staring at me.
"Aren't you going to eat?"
"You didn't eat dinner or breakfast you must be hungry!"
I was actually not very hungry, I've gone longer without food, so it did not bug me.
"I'm not hungry." I responded.
"You have to eat Athens." He said using my nickname that Artemis gave me.
He knew that by using that name, then I would eat because Artemis told me that it was always important to eat a good meal.
"You're a jackass for using that name Hera." I responded with a smirk, knowing that he despised that name.
"Fuck you, just eat." Was his only reply.
Rolling my eyes I stole the apple off his plate and began to eat it.
He rolled his eyes at my antics but didn't disagree.
"You have the house to yourself for a while so don't fuck it up. If I come home to a mess, it's your ass on the line, not mine." I told him when the bell rang. I walked to class knowing that he was going to mess up the place.

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