Chapter 3

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Fallen Fairy

Lucy nodded and she and Sting jumped into the gate and they arrived to Minerva..

Minerva said "What do you two want from me?" "Min-chan, how is your sickness?" "It's okay, but if I'm not going to anything it will kill me.. I need a lots of medichines. And i ran away cause I didn't want that everyone catch my sickness." "What medichines do you need?" "I aready have every medichines but i forgot where did I put them.. But don't worry I'll be fine. Now go away before you two catch my sick..!"

Minerva sent them home. When they got back they sat down and they were in an akward silence for minutes. After a while Sting spoke up "So what do you think about Minerva and Rufus?? They got pretty close aren't they?" "You are right Minerva acts weird around him and Rufus do the same, I don't know what's with them" 'What i meant is that they like each other..! I was tried to change the subject to the 'Love' part..!' Sting tought while Lucy tought too 'You baka, I know they like each other, I just don't like the 'love' subject..!'  Once Lucy said "Are you hungry Sting?"

"Yeah, I'm quite hungry.." "What about a lunch here?" "I'm in..!" Lucy made their lunch and she said "You don't have to hold back, there are more of it if you want to eat more..!" They enjoyed their talk and the lunch. After the meal Sting and Lucy talked a lot and in the night Sting fell asleep and when Lucy noticed that She covered him with a sheet and She went to take a bath. She was in the bath for 2 hours. When she came out she sat down to her desk and began to write. Hours later Lucy went asleep.

The next day when Sting woke up, he saw Lucy sleeping while she's hugging him. Sting placed his forehead to Lucy's, he hugged her and he said with a sleepy tone "Lucy~ Wake up~" Lucy woke up and she saw Sting's face too close to her so she blushed hard, she suddenly sat ap and she said "W-why did we hug each other.?!"

Sting said with a sleepy tone "I don't know.. Don't care about it.. We did nothing just hugged each other while we slept.." "Maybe you're right.. Wanna have breakfast?" "Yeah, I'm kinda hungry.." "Okay, what do you want for it..?" "Whatever you make will be fine.." "Okay, then eggs and tomatoes.?" "Sounds good.." "Okay.."

Lucy stood up and she walked to the kitchen and she started to make their breakfast then she noticed something and she blushed hard while she tought 'OH MY GODNESS..!!!! We acted like a married couple..!!'  Sting walked over next to Lucy and he said "Can i help?" "No, thanks i can do it myself." Lucy smiled at Sting. "Okay, call me if you need me." He went to the livingroom and he sat down to the table.

After their breakfast Lucy went to the bathroom to change her appearance. After 30 minutes she came out and she said "We can go to the guild now!" When they arriwed to the guild they went in Sting went to Rouge, and Lucy went to Yukino. Rouge asked Sting with a grin "Hey Sting. Why didn't you come home yesterday? And why did you arrive with Lucy?" "We just met in our ways here. Nothing else." "Okay, then where did you sleep?" "I was so far away from home so I slept in a hotel." Yukino asked Lucy "So what's your story?" "What are you talkin' about? We just met on our ways here."

At Fairy Tail

"Listen Juvia, you are weak without Gray, and he isn't around, that means you are useless" Lisanna said as Natsu walked over to them and he said "Yeah, right you are such an useless bitch Juvia! So Lis-chan are you coming?" "Yeah Darling I'm coming. Bye bitch!"

Lisanna walked away with Natsu and Juvia ran away from the guild to Lucy's aparment, as she got in she sat down on the floor and she started to cry lound for hours. After 18:00 Lucy got home and when she turned on the lamps She saw Juvia who was sleeping on the floor with tears in her eyes. Lucy woke her up and she asked with a worry tone "What's wrong Juvia..?!" Without a word Juvia hugged Lucy tightly and Lucy said "Okay, first take a shower and go to sleep we can talk tomorrow too." Juvia nodded and She said "Can i borrow some clothes for tonight..?" Lucy nodded, Lucy gave her some sleeping clothes and she sent her to the bathroom.

When she came out Lucy went to the bathroom and after she came out she questioned Juvia "What do you want for dinner Juvia?" "Something light please.." "Okay, what bout chips?" "It's okay.." "Okay." Lucy smiled at Juvia. After their dinner Juvia and Lucy went to sleep. Both of them are slept on the bed cause Juvia didn't want to sleep alone. The next day Lucy didn't went to the guild, instead She stayed with Juvia and they talked a lot.

In their conversation Sting suddenly arrived with a worried face and then Lucy sad "Oh, yeah, why don't you join the Sabertooth instead of that stupid Fairy Tail?" Juvia's eyes got wide and a few seconds later she said "What.. What about G-Gray..?" "He's on his job isn't he? I'll talk to him when he arrived back here, okay?"

"O-okay then.." Then Sting said "Hey Lucy why are you ignoring me?" "Oh, sorry Sting I didn't even notice you..!" "Oh, okay. Then I sould just leave.. I was worried about you..!" Lucy giggled and she said "That's sweet, thank you Sting!" Sting blushed a bit and Lucy said again "Hey Sting, can Juvia join in our guild? I can remove her mark, but can She join?" "If you remove her mark then she can." "Okay, thank you Sting." They smiled at each other and he said "No Problem Lucy."

And then Lucy removed Juvia's guild mark.

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