Chapter 9

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The Child

"Okay, erase the bubble." Lucy erased the bubble. Lisanna looked so painful and she said with a painful tone "I-I g-give u-up..!" "Looks like the winner team is the Sabertooth again!" Lucy walked over to her team and Natsu ran over to Lisanna and he said "What have that bitch done?!! Are you al-" "Don't speak of her like that..! She knew about the baby and she knew how much impirtant her to me..! So she watched over carefully to not hurt the baby!" 

Natsu's eyes got wide and he looked at Lucy and he wispered "Who the hell is she..?" Lisanna said quickly "Natsu I want to be alone for a bit. I'll be behind of the arena okay?" "Uh-uhm okay. Be careful Lisanna." Lisanna slowly walked away and when she arrived she sat down under a tree. When Lucy arrived there she saw Lisanna sitting on the ground a little sleepy. 

Lucy asked "Hey, are you okay Lisanna?" "Oh, Lucy. I think yes, I just feel a little dizzy.." Lisanna's face was red so Lucy made some ice, she put it to Lisanna's neck and she said "Try to keep it here for a little, okay?" "O-okay." And then Lucy wispered to herself "Necondius, Mironidius, Fland Klexino Mante Lornante..!" Lucy put her hands on Lisanna's stomach, she opened her eyes and she said "Lisanna. Your daughter is in danger. What did you do..? Tell it to me." "W-well last night I took a slow hot bath, and then I went down to eat my dinner.. After that I went back to my room and I went to sleep.."

"What did you ate for your dinner?" "I-I think chips with roast eel.." "That's it..! You know the all wizardz of this word can't eat eel until It got 4 year old.! If one of its parents a human then it's okay. But you and Natsu are both wizards. As you know If the wizards magical power is sold out then the wizards are die. The eel is kill the children's magical power in 20 hours. And then your child'll die. Just like you without any more magical power."

"Oh, my godness!!!!!! Is there anything we can do for it....??!!!" "Yeah. We have to kill the eel.." "How..??!" "With magic." "What magic?" "Any magic. If you know witch magic did you choose, search for a person who has that magic. You need to eat one of her/his hairbreadth. But think about the magic you choose. That magic will be your daughter's magic." "how much time we have?" "When did you eat?" "Abou 22:45." "That means we have 7 hours. Choose a magic." "I need to talk to Natsu first.." "I'll bring him here. Wait a minute."

Lucy suddenly disappeard and she suddenly appeard behind Natsu. Natsu didn't know who is she cause Lucy wore a hood. Lucy grabbed Natsu's wrist and she said quietly "Come with me." Natsu and Lucy disappeard again and they appeard next to Lisanna. When Lisanna saw them she said "Natsu, we have a big problem. Our baby will die. So choose a magic with me quickly."

Natsu's eyes got wide. He sat down next to Lisanna and he said "What about thunder..? But why do you ask me to choose a magic while our daughter id diei-" "Choose carefully cause the magic you choose will be the child's magic." Natsu looked at them with a serious face and he said "I choose thunder." "Are you sure?" "Yes. I'm pretty sure." "Okay. Lucy, do you know a thunder wizard?" "Yes, I'll bring him here." Lucy diappeard and she appeard with Laxus next to her. Lisanna shouted "Laxus! Why didn't I think..! Listen Laxus, I need one of your hairbreadth right now..!!"

Laxus and Natsu looked at the girls with a suprising face. "O-okay, but why do you need it? are you gonna make a spell what'll take my life?" "It's not a joke Laxus. I need it or the baby will die." "Okay. But just because you're Mira's sister." Laxus handed Lisanna one of his hairbreadth. Lisanna ate it. The boys watched her while she was eating. When she finished she fainted and Laxus collapsed from the pain. Lucy catched Lisanna and she said to Natsu with an angry tone "Hey, you FlameFairy. Don't you dare to touch her in the next 5 hour. Understand?"

"Don't talk to me like that Luce. Why do you hate me?" "I'm not the Luce you knew. She died. Now I'm here as a new Lucy heartfilia. Don't call me 'Luce' ever again. Don't touch me ever again. Don't come close to me ever again. Understan Flamebrain?!" "What are you talking about Luce-" Lucy punched him and he fell on the ground. Lucy said with a super angry tone "I told you to don't call me 'Luce' ever again. Ever." Natsu sat up slowly and he said with an angry tone "Then how should I call you??!" "Heartfilia." "What about Laxus?" "He's strong. Call Mirajanne here."

"She's fighting." "With who?" "With Minerva." "Mirajanne will be here soon then." "What'dya mean?" "Minerva will use 'Take down'. Mirajanne is a girl, so I don't think she can breath in a water glass bubble." "She can break that." "Yeah, she can but she won't..." "Why?" "Cause she don't have enough spiritual power.." "What?" "As your guild know, I died cause I told Erza to say that I died by a dragon. A week later Erza told me Mirajanne don't speak to anyone, don't eat or drink. But when I was there for Laxus he saw me and she shuttered my name with a fear in her eyes.. I nodded, and when she tried to hug me disappeared. She cried. I left a piece of paper behind me. I wrote that I'll wait for her here after her battle. She looked soo sad."

Natsu looked around and he said "There she is." "I'll go to her." Lucy stood up and she started to walk. After a few steps Lucy stopped. Mira stopped also. She looked at the girl with a hoodie and she shuttered "L-L-Lucy...?" "Yes?"

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