Chapter 10

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Can't You Come Back?


Mira ran up to Lucy and she hugged her tightly. Mira cried so much and she wispered "I missed you soo much..!!!" "I missed you too Mirajanne.."

"I want you to come back to our guild Lucy..!! We miss you so much..!!" "I'm sorry Mirajanne. Sorry for made you worry. But I'll never go back to Fairy Tail." Lucy pulled away Mira and she said "Mirajanne, your sister and your husband aren't awake so please worry for them, not for me." Mira looked behind Lucy and she said "What happened to them..?!" "Dragneel will tell you what he knows, and when Lisanna wake up she will tell you everything. I have to go."

Lucy disappeared and Mira ran to Laxus. Natsu told Mira everything what he knew.

Lucy appeared behind Sting and she said "I'm back." "Welcome back Lu. Put that hoodie down. It's not suits you." "Okay. Sting can you come with me for a second?" "Sure what is it?" Sting asked as they walked away. "Well.. You see.. The fairys asked me to go back.." "What did you answer..??!! I'll beat them up!!" "Don't. Let them be. I answered never."

"Thank god. I don't want to lose you." Sting said as he hugged Lucy. "Lu, can I ask you something?" "What is it?" "What do you think about Natsu Dragneel?" "I still hate him. I still Hate him and Lisanna, but I don't want to take their happiness away." "You're a real sweetheart, Lu." "I guess thx." Lucy said as Sting kissed her forehead.

When they got back to the others the intromediary said "And the winner is the Sabertooth team!!" Everybody in the Sabertooth hugged and smiled.

At The Sabertooth's Hotel

"Hey guy's tomorrow will be the last round, and tomorrow the fairys and the ravens will fight for the second place!! We won!!!!!" Minerva shouted. "Yeah, do you guys want to see their battle?" Yukino asked the others. "I'll go see it. I want to see how much they learned." Lucy said with a sarcastic tone. "If Lu go, then I'll go too!!" Sting answered. "Then I think everybody will go!" Minerva shouted. "No, I'm not. I want to go tosome shops." "I'm not going neither. I want to look around here."

"Okay, then just Min-chan, Sting and me!" "Now, let's drink!!" Rufus shouted with a playful tone. "Aren't you already drunk Sweetie?????" Minerva asked/shouted to Rufus. "Yes I am, but who cares? We won!!" "You're right, lets drink!!" Sting joined as well. 

In the next morning when Lucy woke up she saw Sting next to her. Lucy looked under her shirt and she said not too lound "Agan. I only wear his shirt again. What did we do last night..??" Lucy slowly stood up  and she fell back cause she felt a real headache so she sat back for about 2 minutes.

After a while she stood up slowly and she walked over her bag and she ate a couple of medichines. She looked around in the room and she wispered "I'm almost naked.. And I slept next to Sting. He only wear a boxer.. What the hell did we do while we were soo drunk..!!!!?!"

Lucy went into the bathroom in a rush cause she had to puke and have a shower. And then Sting woke up and he walked inside the bathroom and he saw Lucy standing under the shower. 

[[The courtain was pulled, do not mistunderstating it..!! xD]]

Sting shouted "L-L-Lucy..??!!!!" Lucy pulled away the courtain a bit and she  shouted as well "What are you doing here Sting..!!!?!" Sting covered his eyes and he said "I just wanted to get a shower as well..!!" "Oh-uh well then wait 5 minutes I'll be ready soon o-okay..??" "O-okay, s-s-sorry..!!" Sting walked out fast and he sat down on the bed.

When Lucy came out and she and Stimg looked at each other and they blushed hard. After a while Lucy asked "S-Sting, what time is it?" Sting looked at the clock and he ssaid "It's 08:00 AM. Why? Oh, yeah, you want to go to see the battle!! In this time you have only 1 hour to get ready." "Yeah. I'm ready, let's go." Sting looked at her and he said "And do you want me to go out to the city while I'm only wearing my underwear?" Lucy looked at him and she said while she was gligging "Okay, go changing you little idiot..!" Sting hugged her waist from behind and he said "Yes, I'm an idiot, but I'm your idiot.. And you are my idiot.." "Sure Sting."

"Can I kiss my girlfriend?" "She waited for you to say it.. Sure, you can Sting." They smiled before the kiss. Sting kissed Lucy with a lots of passion. Once Lucy pulled himaway and she said with a confused tone "Don't you think we did something like this before?" "You know, I thing we did this once before too. But I don't know when.. wait.." and then both of them remembered last night and they shouted at the same time "Last night we did some of this and some of.." "That.." They blushed hard as Sting said the last word and then suddenly he remembered everything and he asked Lucy "H-Hey Lu did you puke in the morning?"

"Yeah, I did.. Why.? Oh, wait.." Lucy looked at Sting and he nodded. and then Lucy's eyes got wide and she shouted "I'm going to get sure of it!!!!!!!" Lucy ran into the bathroom, and after a couple of minutes she came out with a happy and with a confused face and then she said "It's true.. I'm.. I'm.. I'm pregnant.. I'M PREGNANT..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lucy jumped into Sting's arms for a tight hug. When they got ready they came out while they was holding each other's hand and they walked to the downstairs with the happiest sphera in the world. The others looked at them with their confused face.

Once Minerva and Yukino asked them "What's with you two guys?" "Can I say it to them?????????" Sting asked and Lucy nodded while she smiled like crazy. "Okay then..." Sting sighed and he souted "LUCY'S PREGNANT!!!!!"

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