Chapter 11

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Queen And Her Little Princess

"LUCY'S PREGNANT!!!!!!!" The others looked at them with big wide eyes and then Yukino said "Is that true..?????" "Yes. I'm pregnant." Lucy answered. "IT'S GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone shouted. After 20 minutes later Lucy said "So guys do you still wanna come with me to the arena?" "Yeh, I want to go there!" Minerva shouted. They went to there to watch the battle. The Fairy Tail won.

After the battle Natsu, Lisanna and Erza saw them walking away. Erza walked over to them and she said "So you are the 'new' Lucy. Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too Erza." They smiled and Lucy said "Sting, I want to talk to her can you leave us alone for a bit?" Sting nodded and he and the others walked away. "So, you were always with the 'old' Lucy. I want to thank you for that. And I have something to tell you." "Me too. I want to tell you something too. Go ahead Lucy." Erza answered.

"Please don't tell any one. Erza, I'm.. I'm.. I'm pregnant.. With Sting's child." Erza screamed. and she said happily "Congratulations!! You know, I'm pregnant as well. But I'm pregnant with Jellal's child and we'll marry in the next month. Will you, Sting and Juvia come?" "Congratulations!! And of course, we'll come!" They smiled and Erza asked "So when will you and Sting marry?" Lucy blushed and she wispered "We didn't.. We didn't even engaged yet." Erza screamed once more and she said "Well then good luck girl. We'll meet again!" And then Erza walked away.

At that night when Lucy and the others got back to their rooms Sting knelt down in front of Lucy and he asked with a ring in his hands "Lucy Heartfilia, will you marry me?" Lucy nodded and she started to cry from happy.

5 Years Later

"Mommy, Daddy look!! I learned how to make things with ice!!" "That's great Yumi! Do you want to play with magic with Daddy in the garden, while Mommy is making lunch?" Sting asked her daughter. "That would be great Daddy!" The walked out to play in the garden. 'Looks like Yumine is will be a great dragon slayer. Maybe I'll teach her some lost magic too.'  Lucy was thinking. About a hour later Lucy said/shouted "Sting, Yumine!! The lunch is ready!" The ran to the table and Lucy said "What about wash hands you two?" They all laughed and they said "Of course, We'll be here in a moment!" Lucy sat down and when the other two is arriwed they sat down too and they started to eat.

When they finished Yumi and Sting sat down in the livingroom and they watched TV. Lucy sat down to her desk in her room and she started to write. Once they heard one or two knocks on the door and Lucy shouted "I'm coming!" Lucy walked over to the door and she opened it she saw Juvia, Gray, and they son Edward. Edward ran inside to Yumine. Gray and Juvia greeted and Juvia said "Lucy we have a little problem.." Lucy looked at her with a confused eyes and She and Juvia walked inside the kitchen. They sat down and Lucy asked "What is it Juvia?" "You know Edward is in love with Yumi-chan. But Lisanna and Natsu's son is loving her too.. It's just You know, their son Kai isn't the greatest child.. Well She started to bully Edward and Yumi-chan.."

Lucy's eyes got wide and she said "We are going to Lisanna and Natsu's house now!!" Lucy and Juvia walked out of the kitchen soo angry and Lucy said "We're going out! Don't make the house disappear!!" Lucy gave Yume and Sting a kiss. Juvia kissed Gray and Edward's cheek as they nodded. And then Lucy and Juvia walkedover to Lisanna and Natsu's house and Lucy knocked. Lisanna opened the door.

Lisanna said "Long time no see, Lucy, Juvia! Come in!" When they went inside and sat down Juvia said "Lisanna please talk with Kai." "*Sigh* What did he do this time?" "This time? What do you mean?" Lucy questioned. "Well he got in in a fight, he's mean to the others and a lot's of things.." "Well, we are here, cause as you said he's mean to the others, well he started to bully our children." Juvia spoke up. "Okay, I'll talk to him. Wait a second." Lisanna walked away and she dragged Kai back to there and she sat him down next to her. Kai looked at Lucy and he said "Are you Yumine's mom?" Lucy nodded with a smile on her face.

Kai stood up, bowed in front of Lucy and he shouted "Ma'am please let me marry with Yumine.!!" Lisanna, Juvia and Lucy looked at then with a super confused face. Lucy said "Dear, I can do that. I don't own her life. Only she can decide. You have to ask her. But first try to be friendly with her." Kai put a big smile on, he thanked her and he ran away. "Well I guess the problem is sloved." Lisanna smiled. Lucy and Juvia walked back to Lucy's place.

When Lucy got back Yumi ran up to her and she asked quietly "Mommy can we talk in my room?" Lucy nodded and the walked inside of Yumine's room. They sat down and she said "Mommy, I can't be myself around Ed, and I don't think I'm okay.. Why is that..?" Lucy smiled and she said "You see Honey, I think you are in love with Edward." "Love? What is that?" "I can't teach it to you, cause it's a feeling. You will learn it, when you meet your REAL soulmate." "So, like in the book you wrote? I think.. Sa.. SaberFairy?" "Yes, like in it, but not exacly. You need to go in your new road you don't need to go after anyone." After a while Lucy and Yumine came out and they had fun.


I hope you had fun! :D
The book isn't over yet, I'll make the second book as soon as its possiple!

ByeBye!! :3

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