Chapter 7

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The Triple Date

"Okay." Lucy smiled and she went back to Minerva, and Minerva said "So are you two coming?" "He's in so yeah. What are we gonna do?" "We gonna watch a movie after that we'll eat at a restaurand and after that we'll go shopping. Well? Like it?" "I totally like it Min-chan!" "Okay, then I'm going to search Rufus and after we'll going. Dress pretty, OK girl?" "Alright Min-chan!" Minerva left and Lucy went to her room and she started to dress for her date. Minerva told that to Rufus and Sting to wait in front of the entrace door.

Minerva went to her room and when she opened the door she looked at Lucy who was beautiful as heaven. Minerva said "Lu-chan, you are beautiful..!" "Thanks..!" "So I'm gonna change my look too. Can you do my hair Lu-chan?" "Of course Min-chan!" Minerva dressed like a real lady, she put her make up on and he said "So Lu-chan can you do my hair please?" "OK, how do you want it?" "Just two simple bun to my upper left, and my upper right side." "Alright." Lucy did her hair in two simple bun but she put a red rose to her right bun and she said "It's done Min-chan! Take a look!" Minerva went over to the mirror and she said "It's amazing Lu-chan!! You can go a hairdresser! It's wonderful!" "Thank you Min-chan, but can we go now? I think the boys are waiting for long." "You're right, let's go!" The girls walked down on the stairs and when Rufus noticed them he said "Our beautiful angels are coming, Sting..!" Sting looked at them and his eyes are got wide a he saw Lucy. Lucy and Minerva walked over to them and Lucy asked Sting "What's wrong Sting? Is there something with our look?" Rufus and Sting blushed as they saw the girls looking at them with interested eyes. The boys said with blushed tones "You both are looking incredible..!" The girls smiled and they said "Let's go then..!" They walked out of their hotel.

Somewhere Not So Far Away

"Hey Gray, what about a movie?" "It's okay." A few minutes later Juvia said "Look Gray, aren't that Lucy, Minerva, Sting and Rufus..?!" Gray looked at to them and he said "You're right! They are really them..!" They went over to them and when Lucy and Minerva noticed them They greeted "Oh, Juvia, Gray! What a suprise!" "Yes it is! Juvia was on a date with Gray when she saw you guys!" "You two were on a date? We're on a date too, join us Juvia, Gray!" Lucy said and Juvia turned to Gray, He smiled and nodded and juvia hugged her and she smiled brightly. They joined to the others and they had soo much fun.

At The Next Day In The Fairy Tail's Hotel

"Natsu Darling the baby is healty, but if something happens in my stomach the baby will die..! Will you protect me?" "Yes Babe, of course!" Erza walked in front of them with a '8dness it's disguisting!!'  face. Lisanna noticed it and she yelled "What's with that face Erza!!!?!" "Oh, this is my face when I looked at you and Natsu. Any problem?" "Do you hate Natsu-kun and me?" "Let's say that for me you two are as disguisting as two shit in my plate as lunch." "Oh, really??!!!!" "Erza did you say that Lisanna and me are disguisting?" Natsu stopped their fight. Erza turned over to Natsu and she said "Yeah, that's right. Sorry, but I don't like your true inside form, and I don't like how Lisanna acts like a street polar one night bitch." "What did say??!!!" Natsu almost hit her with his fist but somebody grabbed is hand so hard and he said "Control your bitch Jellal!!" Natsu pulled back his hand and Jellal said "I'll not control her. She'll live how she want. And she's not a bitch. And Natsu, I think in the same way as her."

"Think what you want! I don't care about you! Let's go Lis-chan!!" They walked away and Jellal said "Are you okay Shortcake?" "I think yes." "That's good. Don't do reckless things like this okay?" "Okay Jellal." "Thank you. Now can we go back?" "Yes."

In The Sabertooth's Hotel

"Finally tomorrow we'll start the GMG!!" Lucy said with an execited voice. "You're right, and I don't even know why did we have 3 days off.." Minerva said. "I don't know neither. What do you think what will be in the first round?" Juvia asked the others.

"Maybe battle?" Sting said while he was thinking. "Well tomorrow we'll know what is it. Now what about cards?" Yukino asked the others. "Sounds good! What cards?" Lucy asked Yukino. "Poker?" Rouge asked. "That's a great idea!" Minerva shouted.

In The Fairy Tail's Hotel In Lisanna And Natsu's Room

"Lis Honey, I'm going out for a bit, okay?" "Okay, be careful!" Natsu walked out of the room and then Lisanna wispered to herself " *Sigh* I hope I don't lose my child in the battle.." Lisanna went to the bathroom and when she finished she came out of the bathroom and she listened some music to fall asleep. After a hour Natsu cami into Gray's room and he said "So... I have to talk with you Ice Princes-" "What do you want Flamebrain?!" "Look Ic- I mean Gray. I'm sorry. Sorry for Juvia." "DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT THAT'S ENOUGH??!!" Gray yelled at Natsu. "Look Gray, I can't do anything, I don't even know where is that freakin' BITCH!!!!" "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY???!!!!!!!" Gray punched him so hard. Natsu left the room and Gray called Lucy. Lucy answered and she said "It's me Lucy. What can I do for you?" "Hello Lucy.. It's me.. Gray.. Please kill.. Please kill the Dragneel kid..!" "Gray.. Sorry." Lucy hung up. Gray almost cried over Juvia. Gray wanted to be with her in his guild. At Fairy Tail. But his 'friend' Natsu Dragneel kicked her out. Like he is the 'king'. He'll regret it.

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