Chapter 1

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Logan's POV:

I was studying in my dorm room when Virgil and Roman burst in. "Logan!" Virgil says in an exited tone. I sighed, can't I have some peace and quiet? With Roman and Virgil around I doubt it. "Yes? What seems to have you riled up?" I questioned. "There's a house party tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to go." He answered. "You both know I hate parties." I remarked. "Come on, Lo! Live a little!" Roman declared.

I looked between the two, actually considering if I should go. "Ugh, fine." I finally said. They both cheered and fist pumped the air. "You two tire me." I said as I rubbed my temples. "You love us." Roman said. I sighed. "Okay, the party starts at nine and stops at two." Virgil stated.

Two? As in two in the morning?! "Virgil! You know how my sleep schedule is!" I shouted. "I know, and this is the perfect opportunity to fuck it up." He smirked. "Sometimes I hate you." I deadpanned. "Like Princey said, live a little." Virgil echoed. "Fine. Who is the host of the house party?" I asked. "Um, Remy Slumburr" Roman said. (A/N: Don't ask)

I sighed once more. Remy is one of the most outgoing, reckless, and coffee loving people you will ever meet. "I'm guessing there is going to be alcohol involved?" I asked. "Duh, what house party doesn't have alcohol?" Virgil said. "Okay, who's going to stay sober so we can drive back?" Roman questioned.

"I will." I stated. "No you won't, we're not letting you stay sober." Virgil said. "Fine. What about Roman?" I asked. "Sure, I can be responsible." Roman declared. Somehow I don't believe that. "Okay... Who else is going to be there?" "Apparently most of the building, including Patton and his brother, Damien." Virgil said.

Oh no. Patton is my crush, and has been my crush since we were sophomores. I don't think he harbors romantic feelings towards me so I have never told him I liked him. As he said himself, we're opposites. He is very energetic and shows many emotions. I'm impassive and hate emotions. Our relationship is never going to happen.

"Damien?" Roman questioned. "It's his twin brother. Don't go anywhere alone with him." Virgil warned. "I feel like I shouldn't ask why..." He said. I sighed. "What time is it, Virge?" I asked. "Uh, six thirty-two (6:32)." Great, just great. The party starts in three and a half hours. "I guest we should find some outfits then?" I said. "Yup, to the store!" Roman shouted. If I took a shot every time I sighed, I would be drunk already.

"Yay." I deadpanned. "Come on, Logan. Get in the car!" Virgil yelled from the passenger seat. "I'm coming, Virgil." I said as I walked over to the vehicle. This is going to be a long day.


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