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Luckily Sunny doesn't question Logan's nickname for me. Maybe he says it to everyone. My heart sank ever so slightly at this thought.
We both enter the foyer to find Logan with two other guys with him.

"Hey Princess!" Logan beams at me as his blonde fluffy hair falls across his face slightly. He pulls me into a big hug. When he releases me he says hi to Sunny and they exchange embraces too. I'm then introduced to the two men accompanying Logan.

"Ava this is Spencer, my videographer and my friend George" I say hi to both of them and prevent myself from rambling on about how my best friend is also called Spencer.

"Where's Jake at then?" Logan asks, making his own way into the biggest living area in the house.

"He's in New York, did he not tell you?" I ask him confused.

"Jake doesn't tell me where he's going, ever." Logan laughs "I find out from his social media"

It suddenly dawns on me that I don't have Jake's personal Snapchat yet and I make a mental note to get it from Sunny later.

"What brings you here then?" I ask, trying to sound cool, but also trying way too hard. Of course Logan can tell and smirks at me.

Luckily Spencer, George and Sunny were all catching up in another room. So they couldn't see me getting flustered, something about Logan made me very intimidated.

"Well I was going to film a segment with Jake but as he's not here I guess I'm going to have to find something else to do" Logan explains

I nod slowly,

"What are you going to do?" It comes out way to squeaky and Logan laughs a little. I can feel my face flush but I persevere.

"Don't know, how about we go for a drive or something?" Logan asks

"Wait what? With me?" I splutter

"Yes Princess, I have a drone in the Yeti so we could go up the Hollywood Hills and get some cool shots, the view is also sick at sunset"

"Yeah I guess, that's sounds fun, are you sure you want me?"

Logan rolls his eyes "come on Princess, of course I want you" he gets up and walks back to the foyer. I couldn't tell if he'd just said an innuendo or not.
I trail behind him like a lost dog.

We find Sunny chatting with Spencer and George and now Anthony had joined them.

"Heading to the hills, want to come?" Logan throws the question out there so I'm not sure who he's asking.

"I've got some work to do and I think George is going to help me?" Sunny says looking at George, he nods at her.
I see Logan roll his eyes but I smile at Sunny. She hugs me and whispers "have fun" in my ear before signalling to Anthony. As if on cue he announces he's coming with us.

"Ite, So Spencer, Tony and Princess? That's cool" Logan counts us. Anthony looks at me and then at Logan when he uses his nickname for me. He has an angry frown on his face.

I see Sunny notice it too and takes it as her time to leave, so her and George head upstairs to work.

The remaining four of us leave the house and climb into Logan's huge white Yeti. Spencer gets shotgun as he's got the camera so Anthony and I sit in the back.

It's quiet in the car on the way there, I've already come to the conclusion that Anthony isn't Logan favourite friend of Jake's. I try to make some light conversation.

"I didn't know George and Sunny were work-partners"

Logan and Spencer burst out laughing and Logan looks in the rear view mirror back at me.

"You're kidding right, you really think they're working?"

I shrug a little.

"They're totally fucking" Logan announces "they have been, on and off for the past 4 months"

Instead of being shocked by the new information I'm more upset by the fact Sunny didn't tell me. Especially since I've told her about Jake.

"It's true, they've never been official though" Anthony adds.

Logan ignores him and talks to Spencer.
"Ok Spence, we need a bit of me explaining where we're going and I need to introduce these two" He signalled at me and Anthony.

"Yo Princess, you been on the vlog yet?" Logan asks

"No, not yet" I tell him

He contemplates something for a minute before saying "ah fuck it" and starts vlogging.

"So guys, we are on our way to....the Hollywood hills. I got my boy Tony with me and Princess Ava"  Spencer pans the camera towards us. Anthony, of course, is so professional on film. I'm dreading what I'm going to be like on camera and can feel my lungs getting tighter. Spencer puts the camera directly on me and surprising I introduce myself less awkwardly than I thought I would.

I sigh a breath of relief and feel Anthony's hand rubbing against mine. I know I should snatch it away but it feels comforting there. It helps push down the small flare up that I felt.
Logan finished the segment and Spencer checks the footage.

"Princess that was great for your first time" Logan smirks in the mirror.

I raise my eyebrow at his innuendo, but before I could think of a comeback we pull up at the bottom of the hills.
We jump out of the Yeti and Spencer grabs the drone from the back.

As I step down from the huge car I feel a large hand placed on my back. Anthony helps me down and I thank him quietly, Logan watches us. His posture was very tense and I knew he didn't like Anthony.

We climb the hills until we're sitting under the Hollywood sign. Spencer checks the time and says we are about 20 minutes away from sunset, he and Logan set the drone up and get ready for it to fly.

Before I know it the sky slowly starts filling with a gorgeous orange hue, it deepens by the second. I sit down to admire it and was almost instantly joined by Anthony. To my surprise Logan also joined me and gave me a small genuine smile as he sat down. He places his hands behind him to lean on them and accidentally brushes one of his against mine. He tenses slightly but almost instantly relaxes.

Spencer was a couple feet away flying the drone, collecting footage for the vlog. I knew I couldn't sit too close to either Logan or Anthony as I knew what it would look like on the vlog and how crazy fangirls are.

The sunset was now at its peak and I get my phone out of my pocket to take some pictures.

"Beautiful isn't it" Anthony says, I turn to face him to find him already staring at me. I smile at him "stunning", his face lights up and then softens.

"Give me that then" Logan suddenly snatches the phone from my hand. Before I can protest he holds the phone up in a selfie position with me and Anthony next to him. He snaps a couple pictures of the three of us. Then as Anthony turns away he takes a couple of me and him. I giggle and take my phone back. Flicking through them, they look amazing with the orangey colour turning our skin golden.

"Flying it back now bro" Spencer says and Logan stands up to help him put the drone back in its box.

I was left sat with Anthony.
"I've had a really good evening, it was really fun, maybe we should hang out again soon?" Anthony asks me, Im flattered by his regular comments but it was becoming obsessive.

"Maybe" I simply reply, but Anthony just smiles back.

"Yo guys, lets head back now, can't have you kids staying out too late, hey Princess" Logan winks at me and I laugh and shake my head.

The four of us head back to the Yeti and drive back to the Team 10 house.

Thank you for reading,
This chapter was so fun to write, hope you enjoyed.
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