Chapter One

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Once the clock struck 7am, a small creak echoed loudly throughout the mansion as a young girl snuck wittingly down the hallway.

Her long hazelnut curly brown hair bounced in sync as she skipped her way carefully down the stairs. Her emerald green eyes scanned the main area cautiously before she made her way quickly into the lounge room.

She entered the lounge room and closed the door behind her, but as she turned around her green eyes met two familiar red eyes.

She frowned in displeasure, before sighing and then turning to leave.

"No, Sally wait!" said the boy with the red eyes.

Sally paused and turned back to gaze at him in curiosity.

"... What's wrong, am I not allowed to play my own Xbox in a lounge room that was made for everyone?" he finished, clearly not in the best mood.

"I never said that..." Sally stated, tucking a thick strand of her curly brown hair behind one of her ears. "I just didn't expect anyone to be awake yet..."

"Sally, I'm dead. I don't sleep..." the boy stated with a casual shrug.

Sally rolled her eyes and sighed once more. "As am I." Again, Sally turned away and went to leave.

The boy was a few inches taller than she was. He had messy long–ish blonde hair, red demonic eyes, pale white skin, and wore an outfit that resembled a character from a game called The Legend of Zelda. This boy's name was Ben.

Ben sighed and paused for a few moments before finally standing up and pausing his game.

"Sally, what's your problem?" he started, taking a few steps towards her.

"What? Nothing..." Sally lied, turning away from him.

Her eyes fell to the floor, and she slightly twirled her cute pale pink nightgown as she spoke to him.

You see, Sally was killed at the age of 10. I'm not sure what she is, or how she did it, but something happened after Sally died, and she took on a 3D form. Sort of like a zombie, except, she wasn't rotten, nor was she rotting.

Same with Ben, although Ben's nails are going black. Ben was drowned at the age of 15. He acts like he's 16 or 17, but he's not as tall as a 17-year-old. Just putting that out there.

"You're lying." Ben stated. "It's so obvious."

Sally glared at him. "Mind your own business, Ben."

"No! I won't mind my own business. You people do this all the time. It's getting fucking ridiculous! Are you purposely trying to avoid me? Have I done something to upset you? Why do you all fucking hate me so much?" Ben questioned her, getting visibly fired up.

His eyes began to blaze a dark shade of red, and his cold dead skin began to heat up.

Sally's emerald green eyes glistened with fear, for although the poor child was indeed dead, she could still feel pain.
As could Ben.

"N– No, Ben, listen–" Sally tried, but Ben was far too deep in his own mindset to have been interested in anything she had to say.

"I try to talk to you, and you ignore me. I try to figure this out, but you won't communicate with me. I can't see any reason for you to be acting this way, but you still do. So... I'm going to give you a reason to hate me. This way, I'll understand. This way, there WILL be something you can hate me for...! It only makes sense, DOESN'T IT?" Ben started to raise his voice in pure rage.

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