Chapter Seven

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The next morning, EJ was woken by Ben shoving his arm. "Dude! Dude wake up!" Ben called

EJ groaned and rolled over. "What...?" EJ croaked.

Ben was panting, almost out of breath. Which was weird for him, since he was dead.

"Jeff and Nat are sleeping together...!" Ben chuckled cheekily.

EJ shot up out of the bed. "Say what!?"

Ben and EJ snickered madly as they raced over to Jeff's closed door. Ben softly twisted Jeff's doorknob and slowly opened the door.

He let EJ peer through and they both snickered uncontrollably. "... That's disgusting." EJ muttered

Suddenly, a firm hand gripped onto EJ's shoulder. EJ and Ben turned to find Toby standing there, a scowl across his face. "What the fuck..." Toby growled, getting all pumped up.

Toby went to burst into the room but was stopped by Masky and Hoodie. "Dude. Stop." Masky warned Toby

"Y- Yeah dude," Hoodie stuttered. "I- If you g- go in there... y-ou'll be d- dead m- meat."

Toby stopped and thought it through. They were right. Toby alone stood no chance against that ominous killer.

Without any last words, Toby huffed and turned away, storming downstairs towards Slender's study.

After a few hours, Toby and Nat finally woke up. Nat was sprawled out like a starfish across Jeff's bed, and Jeff was half hanging off the side of his own bed.

Jeff grumbled angrily. "You're a niuscence... you know that?"

Nat chuckled and yawned. "Whatever you say, hot stuff."

Jeff rolled his eyes before standing up. He'd just put on his shirt when he heard a sudden bang.

Rain began to pour... it was really heavy. "God. He seriously hates us, doesn't He." Jeff stated to himself.

"Who does?" Nat remarked

Jeff sighed in annoyance. "God."

When Nat and Jeff exited the room, Jeff almost had the fright of his life when Toby rushed him from behind the closest closet.

"AMBUSHED!" Ben shouted, coming out of his room to see what was going on.

"Sneak attacking Jeff...?" EJ said confused. "Who does that?"

"My crazy boyfriend..." Nat watched on in awe

Toby was pulling Jeff's hair when he heard Nat's comment, then he turned and glared at her. "Boyfriend...?" Toby questioned angrily.

Nat nodded. "Are we not dating?"

Toby scoffed. "Oh gee, I dunno Nat. Ask Jeffy Boo here. You two were REAL close this morning."

"Ooh, he's jealous." Jane snickered

"Fuck off you stupid whore!" Toby shouted at Jane.

That's when, surprisingly, Jeff reacted. He stood up and grabbed the back of Toby's neck. Then, Jeff swung Toby's head forward and threw Toby into the nearest wall. He almost went THROUGH the wall.

Jeff scowled at Toby. "Don't you dare speak to her like that!"

Everyone's eyes widened in amazement. Was Jeff really sticking up for Jane...?

Jane's jaw dropped and she nearly choked. Jeff turned back to see everyone's stunned expressions.

"What? I'm just saying. Only I'm allowed to call her names. No one else." Jeff shrugged, walking off.

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