Laura to Maia

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Chapter 3: 

        Tonight was the night. Either I was going to see the same ol' Laura I know and love, or the wild Laura I think I love even more! I bought up some chocolates and roses before picking her up from her place. When I rang the bell, the door opened to a stunning petite girl dressed in gold. *picture of outfit on the side* Besides the fact that I had to look all the way down just to look into those chocolate brown eyes bothered me, everything else impressed me. Her physique, her personality, and now her attitude, witnessing the different side of Laura today haha.

        "Hey! You look beautiful. Ready for our date? I gotchu these," I say handing her the chocolates and roses.

        "Aw! Thanks Ross! That's so sweet!" she responded shyly. Wait, what happened to that fierce and sexy Laura? Is she deciding to stay herself the rest of the night? Damn. I was really looking forward to getting some action tonight. 

        "Ready to go?" she said snapping me out of my train of thought. 

        "Hmm? Oh yeah. Lets go." 


        After eating dinner at some fancy restaurant named Catch, I was getting mentally prepared to see a movie with Laura for 2 hours. Its not that I don't like movies, its just that I find it a boring destination to take someone on a date. I just chose it for her convience, thinking that she would enjoy that instead. As soon as I started the ignition to my car, Laura spoke up.

        "Ross, listen. I know you planned for us to have dinner, and then to go see a movie? Well I love the idea, I really do. It's just that... umm.. do you think we can change up our plan a little bit?"

        I was confused, "Sure, what do you have in mind?"

        She was quite for a minute and said, "I'm kinda in the mood to move around... I want to go crazy tonight. How about we find a good nightclub?" 

        Woah, what? Laura wants to go to a club? That means I can finally get to explore her wild side again! That means I can also skip that lame movie! Now this was my style and I was digging it. Without a word, I sped off finding 'my joint' you can say.

        When we got into Level 3 (name of teen club), it was packed! I saw a few familiar faces, so I high five and pound the guys I knew, and winked at the girls who called out to me, as Laura and I pushed through the crowd. We finally made our way to the bar and sat down on the stools.

        "One on the rocks for me." I ordered to the bartender.

        "Woah. So this is what a nightclub is like." Laura said astonished. It was so cute to see her witnessing so many new things she never did before. Unlike me who has explored mature content material thanks to my dimwit oldest brother and best friend, Riker and Ellington Ratliff. I'm surprised my one year older brother, Rocky never took interest in all this. But eh, I'm livin it and I'm livin it well... without getting caught of course. 

        Laura and I talked for a little, while I was finishing up my drink, and we were just about to go dance once I finished up, until I felt a tap on my right shoulder. I turned to see no other than the other girl I desire for. 

        "Maia!" I jump and give her a tight squeeze. "I thought you went back to Australia to visit your folks."

        "Yeahh I did. Got back today just a few hours ago actually." she smirked

        "Then what are you doing here?"

        "I felt like I needed to stretch the legs a bit. Sittin down 14 hours on a plane from Aussie wants to make you move, you know? How bout you? What got you in the mood to come and party tonight?" I didn't want to tell her that i came on a date with Laura, otherwise she wouldn't think I had feelings for her.

        "Uh, you know. Laura and I were hanging out and I decided to show her what my daily night life was like." Maia and I turned around to look at Laura, and omg she was doing something I did not expect. She had 4 shots sitting in front of her and she gulped down each one. What the hell was she doing? Why did she decide to drink all of a sudden?

        "My god Laur, what are doing?!" I tried getting the shot out of her grasp, but she just slapped my hand away. 

        "Leave me alone Ross." she scowled, and got up and made her way to the dance floor. What has gotten into her?

        "What's the matter? Were you guys on a date? Oh no, did I interrupt you guys? I'm soo sorry if I did and..." 

       I cut her off, "No, you didn't do anything wrong Maia. And actually no. I did not bring Laura here on a date. We just decided to hang out and she begged me to bring her here, thats all." I didn't want to lie to Maia, but I also didn't want her to know I had a thing for Laura cause you know already, I plan to hook up with both the girls I like. 

        We look over to Laura who's tipsy as hell and is grinding with some random strangers. That got me pissed off and I needed to get her out of there now. It was her first time drinking so she can't handle controlling her drunkenness like the rest of us who've had experience already. 

        "Well, I guess I gotta take her home before she gets into more trouble," I sigh. Maia touches my upper arm and smiles.

        "Its good to see you'e being responsible, Ro. But hey, promise me we'll hang out soon? Otherwise my sched will be booked after next week since we have to start filming season 3 of The Fosters."

        I smiled, "Yeah! Of course! Hey, how bout tomorrow we head on down to the beach and catch some waves?" She nods.

        "Sounds good to me!"

        "Great. We'll meet up at Point Dume State at noon." I say with a wink and a goodbye hug to Maia.

        I walk over to my drunken secret date and pick her up over my shoulder, and out the club. 

        "Ross! Put me down! I want to continue dancing!" she slurred, pounding my back. Man, this night did not go as I expected. But hey, at least I got Maia to go on a date with me tomorrow! 


        We got back to Laura's place, and I had to call Vanessa, her older sister, to open the door. I didn't want her parents to know I took her to a nightclub, otherwise both Laur and I would be dead. Vanessa opened the door without turning many lights on, cause it was 2 in the morning, and she didn't want to wake up her parents either. She shook her head at me, and then lead me to Laura's room. As soon as we got there, I placed Laura gently down on her bed to sleep. She was passed out now, but she did still look beautiful.

        "Ross, it's pretty late and you shouldn't be driving alone in the night at this time. I suggest you stay here," Vanessa said throwing me a pair of her dad's pajama pants.

        "Okay," I say accepting her offer, and the sleep wear. "What about Laura's clothes? I don't think she'd be very comfortable wearing all that while she sleeps."

        Vanessa looked over at her sister and told me I could change her. She trusted me apparently and knew Laura wouldn't mind if I saw her naked. Wow.

        "I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Goodnight," and she left the room. I over at my sleeping co-star, and then to her closet. I went and picked out a tank top and sleeping shorts for her to wear. I went back to Laura and pulled off her high heels, dress, then her jewelry. As much I loved seeing her in just her Victoria Secret lingerie, I slip on her sleeping shorts and carefully put on the tank top over her head, without waking her. I then change into Mr. Marano's pjs and slip in the sheets of Laura's bed. I was too exhausted from all that happened today, that I didn't even get to acknowledge the fact I was sleeping with one of my dream girls tonight. As soon as I closed my eyes, and before I know it, I was out like a light. 


Author's Note:  Well that was part 3 of Ladies vs. Ross Lynch. Laura and Ross' first date just ended. What will happen tomorrow? Will Ross be able to get out of the Maranos and just in time for Maia and his date? Read on to find out! 

xoxo ~Esha V

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