A Date With An Aussie

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Chapter 5:

After leaving the Marano's place, I quickly zoomed back home. I parked my car, ran inside through the garage entrance and to my room. I heard my mom and my brothers calling out to me, but I just ignored them. I went inside my room, and there was Ryland lying down on his bed, since we shared a room. He looked up from his phone, and nodded at me, while I nodded back, and opened our closet. I picked out my surf suit, some other surf gear, and my surf board from the supply closet, just beside our room.

"Have fun, dude," Ry called out to me. Man, he's the only bro who seems to get me.

"Thanks, man." I yelled out back, and stuffed all my supplies into a duffle bag. I made sure I got everything that I needed, and ran back out to my car, with the surf board under my arm. Again, my mother called out to me, but I really didn't have time to explain to her. "Mom! I'm late for something! I'll explain everything when I get back home!"

I saw her stare at me, shake her head, and went back to cooking.

I had no time to change, so my plan is to just change into my wet suit in the car, before or when I arrive at the beach. I place all my stuff in the trunk, and I quickly sit on the driver's seat. As soon as I started the engine, Riker came running out to the driveway.

"Wait! Ross! You'll need these!" He said panting a bit. He handed me some packets.

"What the hell, Rik! Condoms? I don't need these. I'm just going surfing with Maia!" I shoved them back in his hand.

"Hey, better be safe than sorry bro," He insisted.

I shook my head, "No thanks. Maybe next time. I'm sure I'm not going to go on that base today. Plus, I really gotta go man. I'll tell you the details once I get back." I reversed the car, and drove off to the beach. I didn't want to upset Maia, otherwise she'd think I blew her off. She could probably think I'm with Laura right now! Uh, oh.


Once I got to the beach, I parked in the parking lot and scanned the beach for Maia, at the section I told her to meet at. There was no sign of her, so I decided to change into my wetsuit. I got my stuff from the trunk and took all of it to the backseat. I got in and I took off my shirt, pants, shoes, socks, and underwear. I struggled to get into the wetsuit, since it was so tight, but I only managed to get it to my thighs. I was almost about to pull it halfway, until I heard a tap on my window. I jumped and covered my private area as a fast reaction, and looked out to see Maia, grinning and laughing hard. Shit! Why the hell did she have to catch me at this moment? I signaled her to go away and so she did. As soon as it was clear and she was on the sand near the waters, I successfully got into the entire wet suit. I jumped out of the car, grabbed my surfboard and headed to the ocean too.

I got to Maia, and I gave her a hard look. "What the hell, Mai! Heard of privacy before?"

She just laughed and said, "Ross, heard of changing at home before?"

"I couldn't. Didn't have time."

She looked puzzeled. "Why not? Did you come from somewhere else?"

Shit. What was I going to tell her? "Um.... R5 interview. Yeah! That's it," I rubbed the back of my neck.

She just raised a brow at me, and nodded giving me that I believe you, but I really dont, looks.

"Soooo, lets hits some waves, shall we?" I pointed out. We grabbed our boards, and ran to the water. The weather was just perfect today, and so were the waves. Maia's a natural when it comes to surfing, but I can brag that I'm pretty good too. I've actually never surfed before Teen Beach Movie, but I started learning with Riker, Rocky and Ryland, a few months before I got the role. But one reason Maia's so good, is cause she's done it all her life, due to living in Australia. I mean, come'on. You got beaches and only beaches there. So naturally, you've got surfing there. Unlike me, growing up in Littleton, Colorado, where there's only snow and mountains, I never got to experience water sports, until I actually moved here to LA.

Maia and I caught some pretty huge waves, but I kept on falling off most of the time. She laughed at me and I laughed along with her every time I failed. But that's what I think I love most about her. Her laugh. And how she smiles most of the time. I'm never afraid of being the dork in front of her, and I always allow her to take control, unlike the relationship with Laura and I, where its the other way around.


After 3 hours of surfing, we were beat and we rested on the sand for a little while. We changed out of our surf suits and into our bathing suits instead. We both went to go change in our cars and I pulled out my pink swim trucks and wore that. I put away my surf material and got out of the car. I turned to see Maia, in a white bikini. I think itts called a fringe halter. Idk what the hell its named, but I've got some idea, thanks to living with Rydel. But, I cant tell you how much I must have been drooling looking at Maia. She looked hot! She came over me and i guess she noticed how my mouth was opened a little, so she pushed up my chin to close my mouth shut and strutted past me. Damn, I cant let her pass me by now! Haha, get it? Pass Me By?.... Okay, nevermind.

On the sand, we had a great time, by making sand castles, finding tiny crabs, and Maia covering my body with sand after falling asleep for 10 minutes. I've learned that you should never turn your back when Maia's around. Otherwise, she's always ready to strike/pounce.

"I'm starvin'. Wanna grab a bite?" she finally asked, after a good hour or so. I shrugged and agreed. We dried off and wore shirts and shorts over, leaving our swimsuits still underneath. We arrived at a seafood restuarant on the dock, and chilled there for a while.

Dusk started to hit the sky, and I noticed Maia yawning. We were sitting next to each other anyways on the restuarant chairs, so she decided to rest her head on my shoulder. I flinched a little, feeling my heart race just a bit. I stretched out my left arm and layed it behind her. We looked out to the ocean, and we both had a feeling that maybe, we were meant to be more than friends.

"Mai," I started.

"Yeah, Ro?"

"Today was the best. Especially cause I spent it with you."

Maia looked up at me and smiled. We got lost into each others eyes, until I was ready to make a move. I leaned down just a bit, until I felt my lips press against hers. Let me tell you, I had to feel the most sparks I've ever felt in kiss. And you could even say, it might be a different kiss than to Lauras...


Author's Note: Ross just had his date with Maia! And the way he acted with her was completely different than to being with Laura. Will Ross choose the girl who he can be totally comfortable with, or the girl he wants to have a chase with and get a little more intimate? Read on to find out!

~Esha V

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