Chun-Li {Connor x Plus Size!Reader}

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Summary: You're an officer at DPD, everything is great until Gavin starts pushing your buttons about your weight. Even though Connor meddles in to scold him, you do a little more than scolding - which shocks the android. 


You bustle inside the police department, multitasking as you're holding a coffee tray one hand and trying to put down your umbrella with the other. Your (h/c) was a bit damp, but you thought little to nothing of it.

Once you reached your desk, you placed one coffee next to your computer and the other on your friend, Hank's desk. You knew he would either be hungover or still drunk when he comes to do his job, but hey... at least he still has a job?

You chuckled to yourself as you walked to the break room to get a donut, hence you don't eat that much considering how many people glance at you.

Your smile faltered when you saw Gavin, the guy who is really just an asshole. You tried to avoid him as much as you can, but you felt your walk haltering as someone grabbed your arm.

"Look who it is. The little piggy of Detroit." Gavin snorted from the little joke he just made. You look at him deadpanned and with a growl.

"Fuck off Gavin, don't you have work to do?" You had no interest in even talking to him, but you have to do something to get the dog away from you.

"Oh come on Y/N, why do you have to be so angry about a joke? Everybody likes to eat a piece of bacon from time to time." He patted your thighs like it was a friendly move (It really wasn't).

You were about to raise your arm when someone else walked in. You could tell that he wasn't human because of the LED circle in the left side of his temple. He had chocolate brown eyes and a grey suit with a blue triangle on one side and another that said, "RK800″. You knew that it was Connor because you remember Hank complaining of how much he followed him every day.

"I suggest you stop harassing the officer before her stress levels reach 100%, Reed. As you can see she's uncomfortable."

You were happy with the fact that an android understands what Gavin won't - not acting like the high school bully of the precinct.

"Get the fuck outta here you damn piece of plastic? Why do you care about this fatass?"

You got flashbacks to when you were in school. And when there were people that called you names like those, there was you - kicking them to a pulp (and then your parents getting a call from the principal).

Before Connor could reply, or even take a step forward, you turned Gavin to look at you and bitch slapped him with all of your anger. Next, you kicked him in his crotch and watched as he scrunched on the floor in pain. And as a cherry on top, you kicked him in the face, which led him to groan in agony.

You held him up by his jacket and told him, "I may be a fatass, but at least I know how to kick ass." And with that, you threw him to the ground. After that, he was lying on the floor, not even being able to move an inch, and especially regretted saying the word 'fatass'.

You regained your breathing, and you finally got your donut. However, Connor was still looking at you with surprise. He's never seen a human your weight beat an asshole like Gavin like that. It shocked him, and it gave him a chance to make a move. He's heard about you from Hank, but somehow he never saw you.

"Fascinating. Your stress levels decreased massively after you fought him...May I ask why did you do that?" Connor questioned you. You gave a smile as you made a hand motion to follow him to your desk.

Once you saw down, he looked at your desk. It was neat and organized, along with a few vintage Funko Pops from various shows and pop culture references. After examining everything on your desk, he looked to you and that coffee you were drinking. His thirium was pumping faster than usual, and he felt his fans overheating as well. Could this be instability in his software? Or is he feeling emotions? He tried not to look at you, but he couldn't stop. You looked so adorable and gorgeous he didn't know what to do.

"Why were you so angry when Reed called you a 'fatass'?"

You tensed a little before you replied, "Bad memories. Everyone's all had bad memories before. I just didn't want a rewind of those memories..." You frowned at the thought of your insecurities and troubles. Sure, you did grow strong, but people still continued to comment.

"Never mind about that for now," You shrugged and stuck your hand out, "My name is (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N). Yours?"

He shook your hand and responded, "My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by CyberLife." You blushed a little when you saw the corners of his lips twitch up to do a smile. Before you could move your hand away, he also kissed your hand. Which, made you blush even more.

You tried to shake off the slightest feelings for him. Your crushes never ended well, and you'd rather not try again, fearing the tear-jerking rejection.

"Wh-Why did you kiss my hand?" You asked tensely. Him kissing your hand just made you have more feelings for him. Which was just a pleasuring dose of pain.

Connor tilted his head at the question, "Why wouldn't I? You're quite the beautiful person. Not to mention a strong person." And with that, he winked, in which you finally melted in his palm like putty.

"Why don't we talk more over a cup of coffee?" You grinned as you slipped him a handwritten note with your number. Connor felt like he was doing a good job because he just got her number even though he has no phone.

"I hope to see you again, (Y/N)" Once he turned around he felt...giddy. He felt really happy, actually. Perhaps the detective even blushed a bit of blue on his cheeks. He's about to go, on what humans call it, a "date"!

"What the fuck is up with your face Connor? It's blue...Wait, why the fuck are you blushing?" Hank barged in shock and looked down to see the piece of paper that Connor was holding. Connor noticed and showed it to his partner. Once Hank saw the phone number he got pissed as hell. (Y/N)? Why did she give him his-

"Oh don't tell me, you fucking like her don't you?"

Connor was happy that Hank found the right words to express what he was feeling. "Why yes, I like her very much. Is that a problem?" Connor hoped that there wasn't anything dangerous to loving her.

But Hank thought of an idea that might just scare Connor, "Well, you know why everyone calls her Chun-Li?"

Connor was confused. You did have a Funko Pop of the video game character on your desk, but he questioned to himself as to why the officers would call you by that.

"Why would they call her that?"

Hank grinned, "Becuase whenever she's mad she kicks the hell outta people." He remembered back in the day when you would actually do worse to other people who were like Gavin before he joined the precinct.

Unfortunately, to Hank, this didn't make Connor feel scared of you or be cautious of you. Instead, this just made Connor like you more. The fact that you were a big woman and that you could handle yourself in fighting made his artificial heart leap with surprise and fascination.

"Well Lieutenant, I'll talk to her about it when we have our "date". Now let's go, we have a new case to solve."

Hank raged in the inside of the fact that you got an android to fall in love with you.

And you? You were covering your cheeks from the amount of blush that was on your cheeks from hearing the two. They didn't even notice you because they thought you were on your headphones. The difference? There was no sound on.

That day, both you and Connor were feeling something. A nice feeling.

An opportunity to love.

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