Justice {Yandere!Markus x Reader}

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Author's note: The drafts keep coming and I don't know what to do with it - but hey my cells are still alive. Enjoy some yandere Markus, fellow people.
Summary: You work at an art store. You knew Carl and Markus well as friends. Lots of people bully you and call you out for helping androids. Though Markus, a pacifist, doesn't like it when you get hurt and takes lethal measures...


After what seemed like forever, the android rebellion came to a stop. Most people came to the art store during your shift so they could buy a few supplies. Perhaps to sketch away all the stress that has happened over these days. You did that as well as some nights, especially when you have that employee discount. But sadly that couldn't wipe away your grief of Carl Manfred's death. He was your favorite customer, considering how his android Markus would come to pick up his orders.

Oh, Markus...

You were so worried about him. You started to become good friends with the android, causing you two to form a deep friendship. When you heard of Carl dead and his son Leo accusing Markus, you knew something was wrong. Markus would never do that, and Leo... you've already heard on the streets that he's a red ice user.

Days later, you see Markus himself leading a group of androids, protesting and demanding equal rights. You didn't really see androids as slaves, or more like you didn't want to see them as such. It would only give you a reminder of history repeating itself, the only difference is technology entering the equation.

Sometimes you wondered if he already forgot about you...Hopefully, he didn't, and perhaps you would get to meet his new friends too!

Markus didn't forget about you one bit. During his time at Jericho, he couldn't stop thinking about you. Majority of him pulling himself through was from you and Carl. Carl was like a father to him. But you-you were someone he held very dear to his heart. It may pump different blood from yours, but it beats for you.

There were moments where he wanted to give in and follow North's advice - to fight back with fire. But he knew you wouldn't want that. He didn't want to think about the pain in your eyes, the thought of you seeing him on your TV doing these violent actions. He admired you so much, he didn't want you to back away from him. But that small voice in the back of his head... he was unsure to follow it.

Luckily, he endured and now, slowly, androids are starting to be treated as an equal instead of as an inferior. Yet he would still see those protesters, clumped in small groups taking up space. Most androids already rid themselves of their LED light so there would be no point in protesting or assaulting because they might be a human.

But he cringed when he would see you being harassed by those same protesters because of your view of androids.

It boiled his blood, it made his right hand curl up in a fist full of anger.

It was 11:30 pm, and you closed the art store, walking home. You didn't mind walking home because fo how close you were to work. However, you weren't used to ambushes.

A block away, a man in black swung a baseball bat to the left side of your hips, making you fall from pain. Groaning, you clenched the area that was hit. More people in black clothing starting coming and began to assault you: Tearing up your shirt, punching, kicking, hitting you until you were busted and blue all over.

One man grabbed the collar of your blouse. But before he was going to say anything, he was stopped by a hard punch to his throat. He fell, holding onto his throat as a way to continue breathing.

"Don't you dare touch her again..." The others didn't seem to take the hint, but starting attacking the person that stopped any more bruises from forming on your body.

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