Deity (Connor x Dom!Chubby!Reader x Markus) **SMUT**

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A/N: I HAVE MOTHERFUCKING RETURNED COMRADES! Now that all of my classes are on Canvas because of COVID-19, I now have enough time to use my fingers for better things, studying for AP tests finishing my DBH drafts!

+: I've never written a threesome where the reader is a dom so if this is trash I am so sorry 🥺

anonymous: This is a request. Could you possibly write a threesome with Connor and Markus with a dominant plus-sized reader?

You got it comrade. Words: 4,253

Description: Both Connor and Markus have been acting more affectionate than usual to you. Specifically, treating you like you were a little petite, cute doll. But tonight, you were more than just a cute doll, you were a big girl with big power. 

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Connor and Markus were hesitant when they heard that you were "not like other girls" when they first met you. They figured that when your polyamorous relationship began, you have to constantly be reassured. However, when both figures took a glance at you as you jogged your rottweiler throughout the biggest park in Detroit, they still couldn't believe the beauty of you. You ran with sheer confidence, quite the opposite of what others would imagine a curvy woman. With a waistline and thighs as big as yours, most would assume your mindset as insecure, a sensitive gal with in need of a man who is interested in a woman in her weight.

But you? You were completely fine. You haven't had a great relationship since college, yet you were thriving. You went through your phase of insecurities as any other chubby person would go through. Your cravings? Invalid, you must lose your extra pounds until you're 150 lbs. Your dream career? No one will accept a plus-size model in Detroit in 2038, you should've majored to be a teacher or nurse. But seeing you make your way through college, and being accepted into a high-end modeling agency, you kept looking at yourself in the mirror, and you treated your body differently from then on.

You looked at yourself as a woman no one would want because they feared your strength. While you weren't too obsessed with fitness, you didn't deny the offering of your coworkers inviting you to go to the gym and doing some weights and cardio. After a month, you kept your big figure, but it looked like if you were an athlete in a previous life. Sure, you could still see some fat meet muscle, but you didn't mind, and neither did your higher-ups as they praised your confidence with your decisions. You weren't the chubby girl they would expect to meet at a job interview. Hell, even some of the skinnier models in the business scrunched up their faces in a ball of envy because of how you smiled.

You knew your body better than anyone else. You also knew your rottweiler Felix better than anyone, him being in a similar spot as you - being the biggest rottweiler in the shelter that no one wanted because most had a preference for a chihuahua or a husky. But one look in his eyes, and you became the canine's sharp mother. Held with such confidence, audacity, and certainly not clumsy-


You fell.

On top of Connor and Markus.

It took you a minute to realize the position you were in, and when you saw Connor's earthy eyes and Markus' aqueous pupils, you panicked - which is something you rarely do.

"OH god, I'm- I'm so sorry babes, I went to fats because I wanted to catch up with Felix and you know how Felix is, he's a big baby and just wants to have fun any everything especially because it's the beginning of spring and everything, oh God you guys I'm so sorry lemme help you guys up-" Because of you sporadic sputtering, the two men were already up and they both held a hand to you - you know since you were the only one on the floor. Blushing a light tint of pink, you both took their hand and stood up. You looked at both of them. Markus looked fine, as he looked as if he just chuckled at the menagerie you presented a few minutes ago. Connor though, blushed a light shade of thirium blue, as he was the poor soul to look at your breasts first as you didn't notice the two of them and tripped. Markus noticed this too, and while he was the one that gained the sight of your large thighs, he knew how to hide the bashful reactions quick enough to where you wouldn't notice it immediately.

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