Chapter 21

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I enter the room, giving a nice smile to the three troopers who look back at me. The door seals and Jordan walks up behind me, clearing his throat.

"This meeting is about keeping Eve's Force abilities hidden from the others, mainly the Jedi. If any Jedi knows that we were housing a person... I'm even afraid of what they might do. Not just to us, but what will happen to Eve in the end.

"We need that not to happen. So one of us need to be with you at all times Eve, no matter the situation. They should be placing you in protective custody, so you should be housed like the Senators. In the case that you get separated from us, I want you to find us as soon as possible. Protocol states that you should have someone that has been with you for a decent time with you at all times, or in other words, one of us. But still, stay close to us. The less likely you are to use the Force, the less likely you are to be found out before we can get you to the outer rim and protected."

Everyone nods their heads in agreement, and Yaz clears his throat. "What might happen to the rest of us?"

"We might be brought in for questioning, or assigned elsewhere, but I'll try to keep everyone together. If Eve makes it difficult to keep her hidden, then we might all be required to stay together to keep her calm. Otherwise, I'm not too sure what will happen after this meeting." Jordan pauses for a moment. "It's been a pleasure serving with all of you."

Yaz coughs out and I can tell he is a bit choked up about the potential of being separated. I also sense Eighty and Rift are too, but they are better at hiding their feelings than Yaz. In the end, Rift clears his throat and grabs his helmet off the table.

"I think we all need to catch some sleep before we land, or some food."

"I vote sleep, I'm exhausted." I say and look at the other troopers. "I don't know about the rest of you."

"I'll stay here, I like the sleep option." Rift says and tosses his helmet on the bed near him. "I feel like I'll need it."

After a few moments of everyone else muttering and debating sleeping or eating something, Yaz, Jordan and Eighty end up going to the mess hall; promising to bring us some food before we land. I curl up on a bed across the room from Rift, who is just sitting on the edge of the bed, his face in his hands. I watch him for a bit, but leave him alone to his thoughts, believing it isn't my place to intrude.

I eventually end up falling asleep, and opening my eyes to a pitch black world. One by one, a tiny light begins to appear above my head and below my feet. I turn in a circle and see Lyra smiling back at me.

"I figured that you'd need a moment to relax. These next events are going to test you, and you better enjoy the peace while it lasts. I'll be back next time to train you some more, but just know this... All the Jedi in the world won't follow the rule to recruit you. There are some you can trust, you just need to know which ones." With that, Lyra smiles again, and fades away.

Leaving me alone, among the now starry filled space.


Attention! We are arriving at Coruscant in just a few moments, be prepared for landing!

I awake to find myself alone, and well rested, despite it being only an hour of sleep. Sitting up, I stretch out my shoulders and scratch my head. Rift leaving would have a least made the door open, that noise alone should have woken me up. After a few moments of actually debating finding Rift or not, the better judgment wins and I climb out of bed.

Opening the door, the hallways is empty as I check to my left and right. Faintly hearing a commotion to my left, I head off in that direction. A few moments of wondering thought the white halls I end up coming close to a big automatic door. When I'm a few steps away, the door opens to reveal Jordan, Yaz, Jordan, and a few other troopers all laughing. I end up taking a breath and walking into the room.

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