Chapter 23

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I awake to a knock on the door, and the faint sounds of police sirens. I roll over, grabbing the edge of the blanket, praying that the knock will disappear. After another round of sharp rapping, I groan and roll onto the floor, not bothering to suppress the sound. After a few minutes of clawing out of the blanket, I climb over to the door and scrub my head. Whoever this is, they are going to not want to mess with me. I press the button, and the door slides open revealing a slightly sad Rift with a puddle forming around his feet.

"Just a little rain shower, stopped just before I got here." He says as he looks over my shoulder. "Yaz here?"

"He should have answered the door, I was asleep." I say as I mention Rift to come in. He places his helmet at the door, and scrapes his feet on the small carpet.

"Eh, first home like thing I have done in a while." He laughs a bit, and shakes his head. "Anything new?"

"Not really, sleeping since..." I glance at the clock, then give up. "I honestly don't remember when I started." I scrub my head and lightly tap his leg with my toes. "Been bored here. Made tea on the bright slide." I gesture to the now cold cup next to the couch.

"Didn't know you were a tea drinker."

"Lulls me to sleep, better than that drink Jordan gave me."

"We'll try that next time." Rift mutters and looks directly at me. "Yaz still isn't here."

"You should go looking for him, seeing as how I can't leave the room without permission." I tap my foot. "Or you could fix that and we could find him in a few minutes rather than a few hours."

Rift sighs, and then slips his helmet on. "Wait just a minute."

I smile and then attempt to retie my boots up. I glance down at my shirt, and then sigh at the tear going along my right side. I end up going into the single bedroom, and searching the closest for a replacement till I mend the shirt. Eventually, I grab a blue top where the collar goes up to my neck, and the sleeves cut off around three quarter. The top is fairly huggy, so I take a black jacket and pull it up onto my shoulders. I fix my boots, and walk back out to talk to Rift.

"We good to go?" I say as I rustle my hair, to hopefully fix a bed head I probably have. Except when I look around, Rift is nowhere to be seen. I sigh, once again, and then head to the door. Being fed up with being left out, I walk up to the door. I wait for the door to open, and then kicking the door for it to open. Waiting once more, I gently place my fingers against the wall, and sending pulse through. I do not sense anyone nearby, or ten floors in any direction. So stepping away from the wall, I gather the Force near my hands, and project it to the door. The door is then blown from its port in the wall, and skips across the hall to the opposite wall.

"Holy..." I mutter and look at my hands, turning them over and looking at my palms. I only meant to move the door slightly. I step out into the hall, and look both ways down the hall. With no one still insight, and no alarms going off, I bolt down the right. I refuse to sit in that room doing nothing for another minute. When I reach and intersection, I stop and press my heel to the floor, sending out yet another pulse. I faintly feel someone down a floor, and I can tell it a trooper. I send another pulse, and smile once I sense it is Jordan. I kick out a vent close by, and slide down one level to kick out a vent behind Jordan.

"Well Jordan, surprise meeting you here." I say as he turn to watch me climb out of a vent.

"You are supposed to be locked in your room." Jordan says as he helps me to my feet. "But I can use you. Yaz went missing as of five hours ago, we discovered this when he failed to report in."

"Well that explains a bit. Yaz isn't one to skip out on anything official related." I say, dusting my knees. "What do you need?"

"You know how to sense him out, can you tell where he has been?"

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