Chapter 4

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After the six hour ride to Alderaan, I'm about ready to destroy my own eardrums. The woman with the three children and one baby wouldn't stop shouting and crying the entire six hours. The moment we reach the landing bay of Alderaan, the woman left with her three children and baby. I rub my forehead, trying in failure to remove the headache that they caused. I grab my backpack that I set on the floor and head out to find a place to stay for a bit while I settle things.

I head down the staircase and out onto the main street of Aldera. Street venders and criers advertising different sales and items they have. Carts and animals all traveling in the small confined space, in different directions. Somehow, in all the chaos, it seems fairly organized. Heading up into one of the many apartment buildings, I scan the first lobby I enter for a desk to rent an apartment. I get lucky on the first lobby and see a registration desk in one of the corners, hidden behind a planter.

I smile as I walk up to the droid manning the desk. "I would like to rent an apartment here please."

"Money is due for the first two months when first renting, then you may pay bi-monthly then after the first two months." The droid says in a mono-tone, and I sigh. Seeing as how I barely have enough money on me to get the first month, I turn to go find another apartment building. When I turn on my heel, I stumble into a hooded figure and by the looks of the cloak the same one from the ship.

"I'm sorry; I should have watched where I was going." I mumble to the hooded figure. Instead of responding, the hooded figure holds up their hands in defense, and then backs slowly away. The figure disappears into the crowd and I shrug, it was probably one of those weird people who took a vow of silence for a religion of some sorts. I walk out into the street, and begin searching for another apartment.

Sadly, for the rest of the day I kept hearing the same thing over and over again. I had to pay two months' rent before even moving into an apartment. I sigh as I leave the last apartment in the city, and note the position of the sun, or lack thereof. I frown and sit against a side of a closed vendor. This might be a bit harder than I expected, then again no one even told me where to start. I lean back and hit my head on the wooden stand, a thud sound echoing down the now empty street.

I look around and see the same hooded figure jump into the shadows, so far that is the third time today I've seen them. After the day I've had, I'm tired of being messed with.

"Hey, mysterious figure who's been following me, the one in the shadows. I'd like to have a chat with you." I shout down the street, but the figure doesn't move from the shadows. I roll my eyes and get back up onto my feet. Since the figure won't answer, I'll just ask them in a different way. Heading toward the shadows the figure disappeared into; I make no attempt to mask my footsteps as I approach.

"I was talking to you-." I begin saying as I turn and look down the dark side street. Only when I turn to look down the street, no one is there. "What the-."

I walk down the side street a little ways, only to find my hooded figure has disappeared.

"I must be imagining things... Maybe I am going crazy." I mutter to myself as I head back out into the main street, shaking my head. Then again, going almost twenty-four hours or more without sleep is bad for the brain. Maybe I am crazy.

I slump back against the stall and imagine what I could be doing back home on Coruscant. Sleeping in a bed, worrying about homework, and what Jamie would be creating as his next project. I chuckle a bit, that was the easy life. Maybe instead of running I should have stayed, I could have handled that man and the droid.

My mind goes blank for a few seconds and my eyes start to close by themselves. I at least should find a more hidden spot to sleep, but sleep sounds much better than moving. Just before I fall asleep, a sound of an avalanche of items echoes down Main Street. My eyes open and I see the hooded figure peeking out from the shadows again.

I don't move having little to no energy I just close my eyes again. Footsteps echo down Main Street and I assume it's my hooded figure. When the footsteps get fairly close, I peek out from under my eyelids.

I was right about the footsteps belonging to the hooded figure, but they just stood a stall away from me. I watched them for a bit, deciding whether or not I should move or stay put. I even slide my backpack under my legs. I decide eventually that they aren't too much of a threat, so I close my eyes and fall asleep.


I wake up and brush some dirt off my face. My backpack is still under my legs, undisturbed. With my hooded figure nowhere to be seen, I stand up and sling my backpack onto my shoulders again. I've managed to wake up before the crowds started to get heavy on the Main Street. I sit down on a set of crates and take inventory of how much money I had left over. Barely enough to get a ride back to Coruscant.

I frown and stand back up. Forget finding a house, a job is the main priority. I look over the crowd and listen to the few criers that are out and about. So far no one offering jobs, looks like I'll have to go hunting again.

I head down the street and grab a fruit from a vender who was happy to take my money. With a small breakfast, I keep walking down the street till I look down a side alley and see my hooded figure watching me.

"Hey!" I say and begin making my way down to them.

They disappear behind a corner, and I continue to pursue. I run around the corner and slam into the hooded figure. They reach out and next thing I know I'm against the wall choking.

I claw at my throat and realize there is no hand choking me. I try to call out, yet nothing comes out. I drop to the ground and being coughing with tears streaming down my face.

"You shouldn't have followed me Eve." The hooded figure says.

I cough a few times then look up at them. "Blame curiosity, you've been stalking me ever since we left Coruscant." I grip the closest wall and barely get up onto my feet. "So maybe the statement should be, why are you following me?"

This makes them think for a moment, because they take a step back then point their finger at me. They then lower their finger and bring their hand to their face. "I guess I failed to follow you correctly then."

"Of course, who doesn't see a hooded figure following them?" I state and rub my throat. "Care to explain why?"

The figure glances around quickly, and then grips my hand, placing a circular object into my hand. "There are directions on this communicator. Go to them at twelve sharp." The figure let's go of my hand, then ducks down an alleyway, disappearing from my sight. I look at the object and smile, a comm device. Not rocket science to determine that this person has some cash on them back on Coruscant.

I turn on the device and then note the directions on it. Fairly close to here so I have time to explore Aldera before noon. Should probably find breakfast first...

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