Part Seven

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"What do you like, hun?" I asked as I laid 3 dresses on her bed. She went over to me and plastered a thinking expression on her face. "I love the blue one, mommy" She said and I laughed. It was a blue beautiful dress, it was like a tutu falls right above her knees. I helped her wear the dress and gave her black flat shoes. "What do you want; a clip or a crown?" I asked and she smiled, "Crown!" She yelled and I smiled. I took the rollers out of her hair and fixed it a bit. I placed the crown above her head and put some hairpins to keep it in place. "How do I look, mommy?" She asked as she twirled around. "I think you look perfect, hun. Well scratch that- I’m sure you look perfect" She hugged me. "Thank you, Mommy. I love you so much" She mumbled and I smiled. "I love you too, so much" 

I shivered as I felt Michael’s fingers walk up and down my legs which are tested on his lap. There’s no sexual intent behind it as he did it not really realizing. He only realized after he felt me shivered. “You cold?” And before I could answer he pulled me up into his lap and I cuddled closer to him. “We’ll I wasn’t but I’m not gonna complain about this”, I told him kissing his cheek. “I’m sleepy,” Michael whined leaning down to place a light kiss on my neck. “Well put me down and go on to bed then.” Suddenly I felt myself being lifted up as Michael carried me to his room. “Mike, cmon put me down, I was watching that movie” I complained. Instead he just sat down on the edge still holding me. “Cuddle with me Dani I won’t be able to sleep without you,” He pouted. “Fine but don’t hog all the covers this time”. “No promises cutie, but if ya get too cold you can always get closer to me, i most defintely would not mind that,” He winked before giving my lips a quick peck.

I heard a knock on the door and I smiled, They’re here. I went to the door and sighed. I opened the door and there they was. Luke was just wearing a plaid shirt with a necktie. Calum wore a white shirt and a necktie. Michael was wearing a tux. Ashton wore a button down with a coat on. “Hey” I greeted and they smiled. “Nice outfits, Come in” I added, a laugh escaped my lips. I stepped back and they entered my house. I called Chloe and she came running down the stairs. “Uncle Luke, Uncle Calum, Uncle Ashton, Uncle Michael” She laughed. She hugged each of them but Michael was the longest. “You look pretty, Princess” Michael mumbled. “Mommy helped” She said. “Shit, Mike. Are you going to cry?” Calum snapped. “Shut up, Cal” I grabbed my camera and let them pose infront of the camera. I took a picture of them all and every boy with Chloe. Michael came lastly. He carried Chloe and her tiny arms wrapped his neck. Their cheeks were press in each other. Michael’s smile was wide and full of happinessIt was like nothing happened in the first place. That it was perfect. It was an undeniable feeling. I am really happy to see them, Him. They were really look-a-likes. It was great to see them bond but still Chloe doesn’t even know she’s hanging out with her real father. My eyes started to moist and I think Calum noticed because he patted my shoulder. I looked at the clock and smiled. “Oooops. Time to go” I said and they smiled. “You’re coming also?” Ashton asked and I nodded, “Of course. You might give her nuts” 

"Hey, Dani" Michael mumbled, his hands rested above my tummy. "Let’s go to the Play Centre" He suggested amd I looked at him. "Aren’t we too old for the Play Centre?" I asked and he pouted. "We’re still young, Dani. We’re still teenagers. We’re still not yet eighteen. So there’s still a chance for us" He grinned, cutely. I laughed, "Ok, If you’ll not going to act like a kid always" "No promises, Cutie. You can join me if you want"

We arrived at the place and went to our table. “There’s a lot of foor” Chloe yelled and giggled over the music. “Let’s go to the buffet table” Luke yelled and ran to the buffet table, Chloe following after. “Nice tux, Mike” I mumbled and he smiled. “Do you know… Michael Clifford, here, wasted 5 hours in one shop to find a perfect tux” Calum said and I laughed. “Really? Why?” I asked. “I just want this to be perfect” Michael mumbled and looked at me. Michael looked cute in the tuxedo. Out of the four of them, Michael looked very stylish.“Mommy, look what Uncle Luke did to me” Chloe laughed. She was running over to our table. “Lucas! What did you do?” I asked as I took some tissues out of my bag. “She started it” Luke laughed. His button down was stained by the nacho cheese and Chloe had him to smear cake on her face. I wiped the cake on her face as she giggled. “Can I have some wipes?” Luke asked and I nodded. 

I opened my eyes as the rays of the sun came straight in my eyes. The cold crisp air hit my skin, making me shiver. I remembered it was december. I looked down at myself and realized there was nothing covers me, just the white blanket on top of us. I smiled, thinking about last night. I stood up, picking my underwear on the floor. I wore them and picked Michael’s red button down on the floor. I wore them and put my hair on a bun. “Good morning” Michael said and I turned around to see him smiling. “Goog- Good morning” I said. There was a sex god on the bed, shit. “Best morning ever” He mumbled, smiling. “You know what would make it better?” He questioned smiling at me, I shook my head. “If you came back to bed” I smiled and crawled to the bed. “Hey” I kissed his lips and he smiled even more. “I love you, Dani. so much” 

"I can’t believe my daddies are 5sos" Chloe said, laughing. She was sitting on Michael’s lap. "You want to dance, Princess?" Michael said and Chloe nodded. They went to the dance floor and Michael carried her. They swayed into the music and honestly… It made me tear up. “It’s okay, Dani” Luke mumbled and pulled me to his chest. “I’m so over dramatic, You know? I’m just so happy to see them together” I explained and they laughed. “It’s very great to see him smile like he used to when you are both dating” Calum said and I sighed. “Did you know Michael was pacing back and forth the night he left you and he was scared if you’ll leave him and it happened. He came back to your apartment 2 days after that night and you had left.” Ashton said and my eyes widenned. “He came back?” I asked. “Yeah. He looked everywhere for you. You know? He contavted all of your friends but got nothing. Where have you been?” Luke said. “I’ve been in France to finish a degree and came back here when Chloe’s 13 months old” “What degree?” “Artistry… Just like that” I shrugged. “Michael really changed, you know” Calum said. “He was drinking… always” Luke added. “He was never the same until Chloe came into his life” Ashton said. 

"Michael. You did not!" I yelled as I felt someone threw a water balloon on my back. "I just did. Haha" He muttered holding a water gun now. "Oh. No YOU didn’t" I mumbled and he grinned. "Oh YES I did" He said and I laughed. "You’re such a dick" He laughed. I grabbed the hose and turned it on, holding it towards him. "WATER FIGHT" He yelled and came sprinting towards me. I started to run away from him. He jumped to me and I groaned. "Michael!" He laughed and atacked my sides. "No! Michael! I hate you!" I yelled. "You love me" "Stop, Michael!" "Give me a kiss" He pouted his lips infront of me. "No!" "Please, Baby" "No!" "Then I’ll probably wont stop" "Okay! Okay! I gave up" I mumbled and he smiled, pressing his lips to mine. 

Chloe came back, running and I smiled. “Did you see how I dance, mommy?” Chloe said and hugged me. “You were great, honey” I mumbled and she laughed. Then 'The Only Reason' came blasting into the speakers. “Wow” Ashton laughed. Michael looked at me and offered a hand. “Would you like to dance?” He asked. I was speechless. I don’t know. I can feel the butterflies in my tummy again. Am I too old for that? I think not. “Go on, Mommy” Chloe pushed me off my seat. I stood up and held his hand, “Of-Of course” We went into the dancefloor and his hand rested on my waist. My trembling hands rested on his chest. “Hey, Why so quiet?” Michael mumbled and I smiled at him. “Nothing actually. I don’t know” I mumbled and he chuckled. “I really love that. You know. When you’re nervous or trembling. I don’t know. I really sounds crazy. But it’s really true” He said and I giggled. “Thank you” I looked at his eyes, confused. “For what?” I asked. “For everything. Thank you for letting me bond with Chloe. She’s precious but do you know what I love the most?” He asked and I shook my head. “Is to have you back and be a family” I stayed quiet. “Say something” I giggled. “Something" He pretended to frown. "I really want us back. Please, let me…" My mind dozed off. I dont even know why. "I miss you like damn crazy, Dani. I really want you back. For good. I want us to be a perfect family. Just let me the one… You and Chloe are my life. Please, Dani. Let me love you, again…" He looked down and I was aware of the crystals that are flowing down his cheeks. "I don’t know, Mike. I’m not sure" He nodded. "I’m so sorry for what I’ve done. I’m just scared. I was weak. I am lost without you. Just gve me a chance to change it all…” He looked back in my eyes. “I’ll give you a chance” He hugged me. “Thank you, Dani. I really love you

Hi. Hello. Hey. Guys. What do ya guys think? Tell me please. Pretty please. Haha. Help me :C

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