He Hurts You

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"It's becoming an issue Luke. All you do is go out and drink after you leave the studio. Then you come home and sleep. You never have any time for me." You yell at him. Ever since the band started working on their new album, he goes out and comes home drunk. Tonight is no different, "If you're going to spend more time going out then seeing me, then we are through."
You run up stairs to your shared bedroom and grab a bag. You start throwing clothes into it. You walk out and run down the stairs and grab your shoes. "Where are you going?" Luke asks coming up behind you.
"I'm leaving because obviously your job and alcohol are more important than me," you say standing up. He grabbed your wrist, tightly, before you walk out the door.
"Y/n, no you can't leave. I promise I'll change. Just please don't leave." He began, still holding your wrist.
"Luke let me go, you're hurting my wrist."
His grip still doesn't loosen, instead gets tighter.
"Don't leave me. I don't know what to do without you."
"Luke stop! You're hurting me!"
He looks down and removes his hand. That's when you see the faint bruise that's going to be worse by tomorrow.
"Y/n I'm s-sorry" he chokes out. You hadn't noticed, but he was sobbing.
"Luke, I'm okay. We can talk in the morning. Let's go to bed."
You don't know why you forgave him so fast. It must have been the way he begged you to stay or the tears on his face. Somehow, you were convinced to stay.
"Y/n, I'm sorry. I just don't want to lose you ever. I didn't mean to hurt you. I will change. I will spend more time with you. I love you so much." He said while crying softer than he was minutes ago.
"I love you too Luke. I won't ever leave unless I have to and you know that."

"I so beat you in the game," you yelled, standing up cheering. You and your boyfriend, Michael, were playing *y/f/g and you had just beaten him. This was you're first time winning against him.
"How the hell did you fucking beat me?" He yelled.
"Because I'm that good." You said back, laughing.
"This game is fucking stupid. Who the hell invented it?" He said throwing his hands up. When he did, the controller slipped out of his hands and hit you in the face.
"Ow fuck!" You yelled, throwing your hands up to where the controller hit you.
"Oh my god, y/n! Are you okay?" Michael yelled while running over to you.
"Mikey, it hurts." You cried.
"I'm so sorry." He said while hugging your crying self.
"It's okay, it was an accident." You said.
"But I feel bad," he said back

You and your best friend, Calum, we're driving around *y/t/n at 12 a.m. You were both having a good time singing off-key to Greenday when you decided to flick him in the neck.
"Did you just flick me?" He asks, turning over to look at you.
"What? Me? Phfft no, why would I do such a thing?" You ask looking back over to him. He just turns his head straight and continues driving. You turn your head to look back out your window. A minute later you feel something flick you on your cheek.
"What are you? 5?" You ask, looking back over at Calum.
"Hey, you started it," he says still looking out the windshield. You just smirked and lightly slapped his thigh. He didn't flinch or even move for that matter. You shurgged and looked out the window again. Then you felt a really bad stinging on your thigh. You looked down and saw a huge hand print that started welting. It hurt really bad, that you started crying. Calum pulled over once he heard you crying and ran over to your door. He opened and and pulled you in for a hug.
"Y/n I did not mean to hit you that hard. Oh dear I'm so sorry. I will buy you a slushie to make up for it." Calum said while you were still crying.
"Cal, I'm fine. It just stung. I know you didn't mean it," you said.
"Are you sure?" He asks, pulling away from the hug.
"Yes, I'm sure. Now let's go get my slushie."
He just laughed and walked to the driver's side of the car.

You were at your boyfriend, Ashton's, concert. They were just finishing up the song Wherever You Are and that's when Ashton started speaking, "So as you all know, I usually throw my drumsticks into the crowd. That's what I'm about to do." He stood on his drum stool and aimed. You see, what Ash didn't know was that you were in the crowd tonight. He threw the first drumstick into the middle section. A girl caught it in mid air. He went to throw the second one into the first few rows. Lucky you, it ended up hitting you in the eye. You screamed and put your hands up to your eye.
Michael must have noticed because he yelled your name.
"What do you mean y/n?" Ash asked him.
"You hit you're girlfriend with a drumstick." Michael stated while pointing to you being pulled off by security.
"Oh shit," Ash said while running backstage to see you.
He spotted you holding and ice pack up to your eye in the dressing room.
"Y/n I'm really sorry. I didn't know you were in the crowd and I definitely wasn't expecting you to be here."
"Ash I'm fine honestly. I was supposed to surprise you. Surprise."
He laughed and pulled you in for a hug.

Y/f/g--- You're favorite game
Y/t/n--- you're town name

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