Chapter Three

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"What do you want Jason?" I ask him, irritated.

"What are you?" He asks.

"A human being, unlike you," I hiss at him. He looks surprised, it vanished as fast as it came.

"What are you? I know your not human!" He growls.

I yawn acting as if I'm bored, which I am.

"A werecat," I yawn, acting as if it was nothing.

"I, Jason Kelling, reject, Amber Lilly, as mate and Luna of the BloodMoon Pack!" He snarls

I look at him bored, I thought I would get a pain in my chest.

'Is rejection different for cats who have mates with wolves or anything like that?' I ask Bubbles.

'Yeah, your more free and don't feel pain when he rejects you, or have a clingy cat, or is fucking some whore or marked 'em,' Replys Bubbles, 'But it'll be fun to see him in pain though.'

"I, Amber Lilly, accept the rejection of, Jason Kelling, and as Luna of the BloodMoon Pack," I smile at him while he looks hurt, "Have a nice day and die soon! Oh, and werecats don't get mates, that's why I'm not feeling the pain you are."

He moans in pain and gets on his knees holding his chest.

"Hopefully you'll forget everything about me," I stare at him with cold eyes, "And stay out of my life."

He looks at me with regret, hate, and for some fucking reason, love.

"I'm sorry," He whispers.

"Forget it," I say, looking irritated, "Your fault, you have a pack to go to and do nothing beside fucking Stacie."

I walk away, leaving him behind me. Leaving everything behind me.

'Hey, Bubbles,' I say to my cat.


'Wanna go somewhere else? I'll go tell Jack and see if I can get new clothes and stuff like that, if you agree,' I ask.

'You do what ever you want,"

'Yay! I'll get Jason worried about me, because his wolf will hate him, and get my revenge!' I yell in my mind.

'Oh! Such a great plan!' She purrs.

I packed my bags, which was only two because I don't have that many belongings, and wen't to find Jack. He lived in the 'No-Mans,Land' where all of the rogues live. But because there is another pack close by they're more in the center of the territory.

When I was ready to leave, I went outside and shifted into a huge eagle. When I mean huge, I mean huge. It was about four feet tall and each wing was 5 feet long. I picked up the two bags by my talons and flew into the air, soaring above the clouds.

'Ah, I love it when we're up this high,' Bubbles purrs.

'It's because your a cat, is'ent it,' I tell Bubbles.

'Yeah,' She meows, 'It's because I'm a feline and purr and roll over and loves to be petted.'

'What ever, but you still can't get this high when your a cat!' I tease her.

I look down to see the ant size humans screaming at my huge size, even if I was about 100 ft in the sky, I still look a lot larger than any other eagle ever recorded.

Bubbles started to hum a song in my head, it was annoying but because I felt like it, I did nothing.

'Hey, Bubbles, what is it like being in my mind?' I ask her, out of the blue.

'It's like your in a feild so I could run and all that shit, and there is a hole where I could see what you see. Its kinda funny how you do some stuff though.' She answers me.

'Okay, but what will happen if I black out?' I ask, 'Would you like black out or would the screen thingy go all black?'

'The screen would go black,' She meows, 'Its because if you don't see anything, I can't see anything. Satisfied?'

'Yeah, Thank you.'

'No problem,'

We arrived at Jacks house about thirty minutes later, I shifted back into my human form and knock on the door. I hear him mumbling and stumbling to the door.

The door opens and a Jack that just woke up.

"Hey, Amber, what's up?" He asks.

"Well, I found my mate and blah blah, he rejected me blah blah, I want him to feel the most pain and misery in his life, so I'm running away and wondering if I could go shopping with you one last time?" I ask him, "I'll only be away for a few months or so."

"Sure, what's the idiots name?"

"Jason," I reply, "He's the alpha of the BloodMoon Pack."

"Okay, well come on in, the house may need a few clean ups, but it can wait." He walks out of the way so I can enter.

"Thanks Jack!" I thank him, he nods.

His house looked kinda nice, like a organized mess, cloths and other stuff her and there, stuffed in a corner. Otherwise it was neat.

I walked around a coffee table and sat down on his three person couch.

"So what do you want to do first? Shopping?" He asks me and sits next to me.

"Yeah, I wanna get some new cloths and stuff like that," I say to him, he nods.

"So, wanna go now or what? I'm having a party tonight so I could probably get some stuff for that while at the store," He says looking at me.

"Sure, lets got now!" I drag him to the car, "I don't know what to get so we might be there for a few hours."

He gets inside his car and starts up the engine and gets out of the drive way. He turns on the music and it was 'The curse' by Disturbed, I love that song for some reason.

When we get there, he parks the car in the space closest to the mall.

"Here we are, I have about eight thousand dollars in my bank account so don't spend it on anything you don't need, okay?" I nod and get out of the car.

"So, will we split up or stick together?" I ask.

"We should stick together because if you ex-mate is here he'll think we're dating and get mad, I mean, we're not that far apart on age, right?" He looks at me.

"Yeah, a twenty- eight year old guy dating a seven-teen year old girl, yeah not much of a age difference," I say sarcastically,

"Oh, what ever!" He rolls his eyes, "Lets just do it!"

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