Chapter Eight

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"What!?" I snarl, trying my best not to claw off his blue eyes, "You can't do this! I shouldn't be here!"

He looks at me dead in the eye, " You'll do as you're told, and youll be tought in a nice manner, or not!" He glares and his eyes turn to a dark shade of red.

' What the fuck do I do now!' I snarl, trying to start up a conversation with Bubbles, 'If I stay here, I'll go insane!'

'I don't know, I think we should stay for awhile, what's the worst that could happen?' She said.

'Me losing my hair.' I mumbled.

"Fine, but as long as I get to go outside for a run and probably visit some friends every so often," I growled, not leaving eye contact for a second, " Oh, and one thing, how am I you're mate when I used to have one?"

He looks at me like I'm crazy, "You already have a mate?"

"I used to, then he rejected me, then I ran away and blah blah blah and so on." I went on and on about what happened, obviously skipping a lot of parts.

"Wow, I never thought that you were treated like a queen, well, because of your eyes and such," He stuttered.

I looked at him dumfounded, "I was bullied because of them! And not to mention that I also had no parents and had to look after myself day after day! I was bullied until I had blood trailing down my face and bruses on my arms and legs!" And there went my good mood.

"What!" He growled, "How dare they to lay hands on my beautiful mate!"

I'm beyond pissed, I hardly knew this guy and he's talking to me like I am his prize! This guy must have some serious balls if he wants to get on my bad side!

Snapping my thoughts back to reality I see that Tate has left the room, I take this opportunity to look around. There were no windows, so no curtains, almost everything in here was black or red, the dresser, TV, the bed spred, and the rug, was all black, while the pillows, main bed sheet, and walls are red.

'You shouldn't be used to this, something is off about this Tate guy,' Bubbles speaks.

'Oh, and just not long ago you were must telling me that we should stay awhile!' I reply kinda harshly.

'At least im the reason you can shift!' She hisses.

'Oh, I feel so hurt!' I snarl, 'I would still be able to shift ever if I didn't have you stuck in my head knowing ever little move and thought that I make!' After that I pushed Bubbles to the back of my mind, we rarely fight, but when we do, its over something so stupid, there was this one time when we were walking in the woods when I was ten, and there was this giant blueish-grey she-wolf, she had the aroua of a very powerful alpha, at that time, I was a pure jet black wolf with electric glowing green eyes.

'What do you think? I didn't want to do what he told me to do!' I feel so hopeless, Jason and his friends wanted me to play a prank on this one new kid that I kinda liked, I didn't want to do it because he was my first friend in so many years.

'I know, but we needed to do it! If we didn't do it we could have gotten our asses handed to us!' Bubbles whimpers, feeling how lonely we are.

'I just hopes he saw what they were doing to us,' I looked around, 'I just don't wan-' I stopped talking to Bubbles as I heard rustling to my left, turning around I saw a beautiful large blueish-grey she-wolf, she must have been a high ranking wolf because of her size and powerful aroua. She just stands there, looking at me, I hope she isn't calling for back up.

'What should we do, Bubbles?' I whisper in my head.

'We should stack her! We don't know what she's thinking, or if she wants to kill us!' She growls loudly, I snap my head to where the she-wolf was, now as a woman, she looked like she was at least 5'6" or something, with black curly hair and brown eyes, she must have sensed that I was young, because her eyes held caring in them.

"Sweetie, can you shift back?" She asks in a gentle voice that I really never heard, that was directed at me. I stare blankly at her, showing that I had no extra cloths, which I do know that I would shift back fully clothed, "I'll turn around."

I decided to sit down, because I don't know who she is and I don't want to leave my treehouse and everything I have in there.

'Look, Sweetie, if you don't shift then I'll have to take you to the pack Alpha." She turns around and crosses her arms, seems like business is over, she has now a hardened face, but still a little softness.

'No! Don't let her take us! Kill her now!' Bubbles snarled and tried to break through, making me tremble, the last time I let her take control when she was pissed she killed the strongest rouge pack ever, it was not a pretty sight, especially with me being eight at the time.

'No!' I hissed through clenched teeth, 'Remember the last time I let you take control! You killed a pack of rouges'

'Well, I'm sorry! I didn't know you wanted your thought ripped out and being torn into millions of prices!' She snarled. I've had enough of this! I whipped around and ran until I found a moor, I pushed Bubbles to the back of my mind so I could enjoy the view without having a cat claw my ears out.

I sighed, when I found that moor I explored every inch of it, and beyond! It was so exciting when I first entered the mountains! It was so beautiful!

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