Chapter Eleven

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"Okay, so I think how we'll get you out is you'll just go out for a little walk, and I'll be a fly and be in your jacket or shirt," I told Shane, I'm right now sitting on the countertop eating a jelly sandwich. Shane just sat there looking at me and nodding at my every word. I told him we'll leave at eleven at night and right now it's ten forty.

"So, are you going to shift now or what? I really want to get out of here as soon as possible." Shane grumbles, he really wants to get out of here and so do I. I just hope that my flawless plan works. I sighed and shifted to a fly and flew into Shane's shirt and landed on his shoulder. Shane took a deep breath and walked out of the door. Because I'm a fly and all, I could feel how nervous he was.

         When he was almost out of the palace, a tall blonde bearded guy stopped him, "Where are you going Shane?" The man asks in a very low voice.

"Im going out to take a walk," Shane says quickly and loudly, "I just need some air because of some bad memories."

       The blonde guy huffed and walked away, I'm guessing that he doesn't like Shane that much. Shane walked out of the palace and started to walk faster until I could tell that we were at the border, either the vampire territory is really small or he's a very fast walker.

"Can you shift back? I have to talk to you right now," Shane's asked me.

        I shifted back into a human and fixed my cloths and looked at him, "So, what are you waiting for? Don't you want to leave them behind?" I ask him, "You can forget them all and focus on the future, there's mnothing to be afaraid of when you're next to me."

"It's just, if they find us, they could kill us, and I don't want that to happen," Shane looks me in the eyes, "And they might hurt you."

       I look at him, then realization hits me, "Ohh! You like me! Isn't it!" I point my finger at him grinning. He just stares at me blushing, I never thought that vampire can blush so much, this is so funny!

"Okay, okay! I amit it! Just don't rub it in!" He says in a high pitched voice, obviously being shy right now.

"Okay then, let's get this done and over with," I grab his hand and pull him toward the border, officially crossing it and no longer in his pack or what ever they call it.

"So, where are we going?" Shane asks me. Then I remembered that I bought over two hundred dollars on clothes before he kidnapped me.

"Remember when you kidnapped me?" I ask him, "Well, I had new clothes that I never wore, so you're going to hide here and wait for me while I'm going to go back to the cabin and see if they're still there."

"Okay, I guess I'll stay here while you go back into the clans territory to get, clothes?" Shane says, scratching the back of his neck.

        I nod my head before I shifted into an eagle and flew off to where I think the cabin is.

         After awhile of flying, I saw the cabin and shifted back into a human, I slowly opened the door and walked to where I remember where the bedroom was. I saw the bed and walk over to it, and then look under it. I saw my bags then grabbed them. I ran outside and shifted back to the eagle then grabbed the bags and left the cabin.

         While I was flying, I saw the moon above the sky, most people would think they have enough time, like five or six hours, that's true, but to me, time seems to fly by at night. I flapped my wings faster to get at the border without wasting much time I was at a tree where Shane was hiding in.

"Hey! Ready to leave now!" I yelled at him after I shifted back into a human. He jumped when he heard me and fell out of the tree while I just sat there laughing my ass off.

"Hey! I was sleeping and you scared me!" Shane tried to argue with me while dusting off his jeans, smirking.

Jason's POV (Pack House

        I sat down in my chair in my office, we've been having rouges coming through our territory since Amber left, I don't know if she's in this or not, but my wolf and I know she's not doing this.

''My wolf' has a name you jack ass! It's Spencer!' Spencer snarls.

'Happy now?' I ask him.

'I never will because you marked some bitch that's not our mate!' He snarls at me, clearly very pissed at me.

'I had to do it!' I tried to reason with him, 'But the pack needs a Luna and Amber's nowhere to be seen so I went with the best option I had!' After that, Spencer blocked me out. Feeling his negativity, I stroked my hand through my hair.

         The door opened and Stacie walked through wearing nothing but clothes the could be called underwear and bras, she walks to me with an extra sway to her hips.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" She crawls on my lap and throws her arm around my neck, giving me a full view of her breasts, "I could feel that you were stressed, tell me, is it because we haven't fully mated yet?"

"No, that's for some other time I have planned," I tell her, placing my hands on her hips, "It's just because of the rouges and the fact that Amber could be in it."

"Why are you so concerned about the bitch Amber!" She growled, I had to hold my own growl at the fact that she call my mate a bitch.

'You mean ex-mate!' Spencer growled.

"Because, she must know something about this pack, she could be a spy," Spencer sneered at that, "That must be why she lived in a treehouse in the pack territory."

"Well that isn't an excuse to not give me any attention!" Stacie praticly screeched in my ear and jumped off my lap, "Just stop with all of this work and finish the mating process with me!" She begged to me.

         I sighed, "I need to take a shower."


"No!" I snapped at her before she even said her first word. I got up and walked out of my office and went to my room. I looked around it, I had told Stacie to stay in her room most nights, but she still has already gotten most of her shit in my room. I walked into my bathroom and stripped and turned on the water, not caring to wait for the water to heat up, I jumped in taking a long shower.

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