The Park

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Narrators pov

         When Baekhyun and Jimin talked for a while they got along pretty well and they have like almost the same personalitys and they didnt know that it was think late so Hyoyung said that they should go out and eat something for dinner. They didn't know what u to go to and they didn't want to leave the house so  they searched it up online and there was this place called Song Jook heon and they called and ordered and the food should be here in about 30 to 40 minutes. When the door bell ringed they told Baekhyun to answer it so when he opened the door the food was here 5 minutes early so Baekhyun payed rhe man and took the food. They ate like they never did before and after that they all felt stuffed and then they began to talk more and Baekhyun exchanged phone numbers to Jimin and they told each other that they were off tomorrow so that they can hangout at the park with some of Baekhyuns friends and get to know each other or just take a walk with his friends and they were all excited for the next day.


    When I was awake I found Jimin sleeping next to me like old days when we were younger. I heard a knock on the door. And it was Baekie.  When I was an about to get it I heard a moan and also it was Jimin cuz' I was getting up and I slowly got out of bed and unlocked the door. he had a present for me! it was a cute puppie. I named him baekie so I wont miss him that much as usual.

When Jimin woke up he told me that I knocked out in the car cuz I was drunk. Then he said that he was joking.  I was shocked at first then I remembered that I was really tired. So I was hitting him playfully.

At The Park

Hey they greeted with alot of laughter. They all introduced themselves chanyeol, kai, d.o, chen, lay, luhan tao, xiumin, suho, sehun, and kris all at once they all even baekie went and say "Annyeonghaseo We Are One!" I thought it was so cool and Jimin introduced him and said that he was glad to be in the group now. I was really surprised that he said that.

We are having teams to play soccer and im the captain captain and Jimin is to.



HYOYUNG'S TEAM                  JIMIN'S TEAM
LUHAN                                       CHEN
BAEK                                         LAY
D.O.                                            XIUMIN
TAO                                            SUHO
CHANYEOL                               KRIS
KAI                                          SEHUN 

While we were playing luhan had the ball then he passed it to baekie but when he was kicking the ball he passed it to Chanyeol after he passed it he fell and he yelled at us that it really hurts and we all went running to him and got him to hospital and he couldn't move or do anything. Once we got to the hospital we called the doctor and they was running at us and got baekie a hospital gurdy. As they pulled him in a room to look at him and check if anythinh is wrong sprained or broken I was talking to Chanyeol see if he heard anything like a bone brake and he was like

"I think I heard cracks when he had passed me the ball."

I was just there looking at him for a while. Then the doctor came in the waiting room.

"Whos closes to him."

Well we all rouse our hands and I was giving then a look saying 'can I please get this one' and they put there hands down. so the Doc started agian.

"He has a few fracture bones in his legs but the good thing is that in 2 months he will be back to normal. But if he starts to walk or wants to get something you or any of then have to take care of him and take good care of him."

"We will doc. Thanks for the information.  Can we go and see him now?"

"Of course you can. They can too." he was pointing to the guys.

"Thanks Doc!" I said it very cheerfully.  We went to his room. It was number 408.

(Knock knock knock)

We went in and I saw baekie feeling down and so I went to cheer him up.

"Hey whats wrong?"

"The problem is that I cant walk or run or do anything and people are going to look at me like a lazy butt and they'll make fun of me."

"No they won't. You have all of us and plus am your a good guy they won't do anything to you and I think your going to stay at my house. I already asked my dad if u can stay over he said thats find. Jimin will be sharing a room with you. I will be across the hall. or we can all share a room altogether and have a fun night."

"I choose to be in your room with Jimin. And they said that they have my case ready in a little bit."

"Ok the doc said that you cqn get discharge today after they put your case on."

The doc just came and put his case on and he discharge from the hospital. I will take him to my place I told the guys and they all agreed.


Ok I will get your sleeping places set up by me bed and baekie I will give you a pillow for your leg and jimin can he please sleep by my bed and you can sleep next to him. He said that it doesn't matter so I set the place up and told them to take a shower. I helped baekie with the shower part and told him to wash his body and hair while I go get TN a towl and all I did was put his leg comfortable position. Then I got a White towl.



After that I helped him put his clothes near him and asked if he needed any help. When Jimin came back with dinner I was wondering how much they like each other as a friend? I guess baekie is comfortable with him being friends together but I dont know about Jimin.

We all ate and brushed our teeth now we're to om tired to play anything or even move. so we all went to sleep and then baekie just asked me about what time does my father gets home. I said midnight.  But I heard the door unlocked and I asked if they locked the door shut and they both looked at each other. But only me and Jimin went out there cuz baekie is injured.

We walked out and my dog was barking and it was my dad. I was surprised that he gor out early it was only 11 p.m and he huged Jimin and said that he got taller and everything then Baekie came out and greeted him.

"Dad we have some left over from that place down town its really delicious."

"Ok thanks you kids can go to sleep now and ill taje care of the puppie and put him asleep."

"Thanks appa!!"

We all went back in my room and talked about how my dad was scary to come out of nowhere but after that we all said good night and went to bed.


sorry I havent been updating my book my tablet was low battery so I couldn't and hope you guys have fun this summer!!! :)

I love you!!!

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