59: Family History

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Yolanda Pov

"Hey mi hija" I greeted Shiri and Jason as they came over for a Barbecue.

My motherly Instincts have been telling me that's something bothering Shiri and I'm stepping up to see what's wrong.

Kirk and Jason talked while Shiri and I are in the living room with pili on the floor playing with her.

"What's bothering you mi hija? I can tell" I told her as she looked at me for a minute then spoke up.

"Mami, for the past couple of weeks Jason and I been trying for a baby but I found out I can't hold babies for a period of time." She started crying "oh mi amor" I comforted her.

"It runs in the family unfortunately but that didn't stop us or your great abula for having your abula and me having you and pili. So don't let these small setback stop you and Jason from giving me a grandchild."

She nodded at me as I hugged her again then pili crawled to Shiri holding her finger. "See pili doesn't like it when you cry either"

"Thank you mami" as I kissed her head.

I had a miscarriage once before I had shiri, both Lalo and I were devastated by it didn't stop us from trying again later. Thank God I have both of my girls here with me.

After we ate, Jason played with Pili it was so cute he kept her laughing the whole time. Then Kirk wanted to talk to me about something then Jason and Shiri left minutes later.

"What's wrong Kirk?" He looked me in to my eyes "please don't be mad" he said as I put pili in the sink for a bath. "I'm a Gang leader and assassin, I've been doing this since I was 24, I never been arrested or caught but---"

I kissed him "if I can handle my daughter being married to America's most wanted I can handle my man being a assassin" I told him as he looked at me shocked.

"This was so not the reaction I expected" he said smiling as I kissed him again.

I'm okay and relaxed about everything since I had pili, and I do feel safe to have gang leader for a son in law and man.

After I gave pili her bath, I gave her a small bottle and then burped her then she instantly slept peacefully.

It's so funny how my life and Shiri's have come. But I'm totally extremely happy with my new life and baby and man.


Jason Pov

It's been weeks since me and Shiri had sex and I'm at the gym working off my sexual energy til I wear myself out. It's seems like everything Shiri does get me hot but I don't think I'm gonna make it cuz I'm so backed up right now I don't know what I'm capable of.

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