Chapter 6 - The Plan

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 [ Jack ]

"Dude! Wake up! Wake up!" I heard Hiccup's voice rang through my ears as he kept shaking me.

I groaned in annoyance, "Hiccup, go back to sleep!" I shoved him away and got under the covers. I buried my face into my pillow and continued my sleep. Even if my eyes aren't open, I can tell that it's still dark and the sun hasn't risen yet. Suddenly, I feel a pinching sensation from my right foot. The pinch was soft at first but it got hard and it burned my foot. "Ahh!" I sat up and screamed in pain.

I saw Hiccup at the foot of my bed, smirking at me. "Why did you do that?!" I complained and grabbed my swollen foot. I looked at it and it's still red. Elsa is a great foot-pinner! 

"Dude, get up." Hiccup ordered. 

"Why?" I looked at him confusedly. 

"We have a meeting." he said. 

I looked at my clock and it's only 2:00 in the morning. "Why so early?!" I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. 

"So no one will notice us or overhear us." he said as he stood up. "Now get up! The girls are already waiting for us!" he nudged my leg. I forced myself to get up, I am not a morning much more at this hour?! I grabbed my hoodie and put it on. Hiccup and I went out and walked quietly to the Big Five's meeting place.

"What took you guys so long?!" Punzie yawned. Hiccup pointed at me with a devilish smile on his face. Anna rolled her eyes.

"Hey! It's not my fault you guys initiated an early morning meeting!" I said. 

"Ssh!" Merida hushed me. 

I looked around and saw them all gathered in a circle, in their pajamas and messy hair. There's a bonfire in the center. We're behind the back building of the entire school where no one ever goes to, this is where we make our meetings. I spotted Hiccup sat next to Astrid. 

Wait, I thought it was a 'Big Five' meeting? 

"Astrid has something to tell us." Anna said, like she read my mind.

Astrid stood up, "You guys know what your rivals are up to, right?" 

Punzie looked at her with half-open lids. "You mean those 3 witches?" she crossed her arms, Astrid nodded. "We know." Merida uttered.

What are they talking about? I looked at all of their faces and it looks like all of them are aware, everybody ... except me. "What's going on?" I asked and all their heads turn to me.

"It's about what happened between you and Elsa." Punzie said. 

I looked down. That again, ever since that day; that is all what everyone talks about. I'm sick of hearing it and talking about it over and over again! "My misunderstanding with Elsa is only between us, why-" 

"It's Olivia, okay?" Anna said.

"Here" Astrid pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket. She unfolded it. We all stepped towards her and took a closer look. It's a flyer type of paper, on the center is Elsa's picture. The picture she has on it is very clear and even HD! It appears to be taken from that day we fought. On the bottom of her picture, it says: 'Find her and take her to us. Xx, Mojo'. I let out a small gasp. I dislike hr all right! But I don't want her getting in trouble and replay what happened last year.

"Ugh! Those witches!" Anna stomped her feet on the ground.

"Anna, calm down." Punzie said, still paying attention to the flyer. 

"How can I calm down when they're hunting down my sister?!" she said, enraged.

"How did you get this?" Punzie asked Astrid.

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