🗝Chapter Eight: Beginning of Descent

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After that day Cais seemed to be avoiding her. After the first few times she tried to approach him and realized he would purposefully avert his eyes, Morganna backed off.

It stung and she was loathe to admit it, but she felt crushed. Even though their meetings before hadn't been often, he always seemed happy, even excited to see her.

The difference was stark. It hurt her, the rejection she felt made her sick to her stomach.

But overtime, as weeks passed, she got over it. The days that passed in a blur became weeks, that soon became months.

Everyone, with exception to Doiris, who never made it past his fifth month, had become more adept in their training and lessons. All of them had received their own swords some time midway through the eighth month mark and Sir Luca had begun to teach them the art of other weapons as well.

Morganna herself found that out of them, the sword and the spear were her favorites, though she did just as well with the bow and dagger. She struggled slightly with the whip, but she continuously practiced with it until she was somewhat decent. 

She and Larrlick where much akin to each other in their fighting styles, and more often than not they were paired together. Him and his sword against her and her sword, they fought against each often, and often it was a draw.

Sometimes she would go against Lilli and Ruby, and in the beginning it was mostly she who won. As more time passed, it slowly evened out. She felt nothing but pride for them, and she knew it would be long before they were winning. 

Marlow was the toughest person to win against from the get go. He was calculating, logical, and deceptively fast. She did win against him, but it was never enough. Still, she enjoyed their fights very much. The two had come to a deep understanding with each other, and after realizing they shared similar looks, it soon became normal to hear them refer to one another as brother and sister.

Their magic lessons were somewhat harder to handle once they learned just which affinity was dominant.

For the others it came easier. She cursed herself many times as she struggled to do the easiest tasks the others excelled at.

Her own dominant affinity was the one they couldn't figure out, and Sir Luca despite months of research still could not come up with a clear answer of what it might be. Her next dominant one after that had been the celestial affinty, and that too proved to be a challenge.

Even Van, who had struggled with his had surpassed her. The others could conjure many things. Ruby, Larrlick, and the other fire affinities had learned how to create fireballs, the water affinities could summon balls of water, even the air affinities could create small tornadoe like concentrates of wind.

Marlow sat beside Morganna, a hand outstretched as a ball of vibrant blue water contorted into the shape of a arrow slightly above his palm. It spun in his hand for a moment before he pointed it at Larrlick, who sat close by and as soon as he flicked his pointer finger it shot towards their friend who waited with an open mouth.

Morganna chuckled as it splashed on Larrlick's face, his shocked expression  filling her with amusement.

Turning to face Marlow, she gave him a thumbs down, a huge grin spread across her face.

"Great execution, but terrible aim. Come on Mar, you can do better."

He sighed deeply. "It's much harder directing it when it's in that shape. Could you do better?"

She eyed him with annoyance before making sure Sir Luca wasn't paying any attention. He'd forbidden them to use their lesser affinities until they had a good grasp of their dominant ones, yet she still couldn't do a single thing with hers.

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