authors note (BULLYING)

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Sorry guys this has nothing to do with the book its about life and bullying. Is it cool to bully people? I would really like to know that because it seems like now in days thats all that people do know and days. I am not going to sit here and act like I know what it feels like because I dont 1. I was never bullied before 2. Everybody has different feelings. But I do know is that innocent, nice,cool,sweet, and fun people arre out there being bullied for no exact reason and im tired of just protecting and making a stand for people at my school. I want there to be a difference in the world. Why be mean to each other when we can come together and just have fun.

I just recently started talking to people on wattpad and I realized how mean and cruel we can be to each other. a lot of bullies think that the people that get bullied are weak but really they are not, there actually stronger. They go day by day having to deal with people harassing,getting there work done so they can graduate and stop going through torture, and on top of that go home, u never know what they deal with at home they might be getting abused. I dont know about yous but school is my safe haven other than my room its a place for you to hang out with friends and be yourself but also learn. If you live in a house that is abusive then go to a school that is also abusive how would you feel?

The problem that us humans have is that we dont think about the consequences we just do it and tht really sucks. In bullying the person might get tired of going through it everyday and just give up on life. Do you really want to live your life with that guilt for the rest of your life? 

Now in days people bully people for an image or because of what they look like. Like they bully people because of there skin color,heritage,voice,clothes,family,looks but what they dont understand is that they are still human and humans hurt..

I didnt want to waste any of yalls time but im meeting more and more people who have and still are getting bullied and when I think that something needs to be changed I speak my mind. To the people out there who dont take part of it please try to help the victims out. weither you being a friend to them or standing up to the bullies. Next think what if this was me and what if this was my child?

Lets make a stand guys one bully at a time.School is starting for a lot of people next month we got to be ready. If there are anybody out there who gets bullied and needs somebody to talk to or just a friend know that im always here all you have to do is inbox me.

Well im done with all my rant get back to reading my Lil Sparkles! Can you guys also tell people about this chapter because I feel like this needs to end!

Can we get 1 comment and 2 votes thanx!!!!

I love yall :-)

By My Lil Sparkles


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