Chapter one

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Summary: Y/N helping Miles .


"So, over here is where we sit... and where you'll be sitting from now on. Away from losers or whatever." Sharon spoke as she pointed to the table where all of her friends were.

I raised my brows. "It's so refreshing to have a new girl in this small town. And I'm happy to take you under my wing and show you the ropes of being an 'IT' girl at Marlo Varsity High." Sharon explained as I sat down. A fake smile plastered along my face as I sat there...

I can't believe daddy would send me to this school.

"I heard your dad owns hotels and other companies around California, even owning and co-owning a few universities . Do you have a chef and a maid in that huge mansion you live in?" One girl asked, Sharon gave her a look and then faced me again. Daddy didn't only just own companies, he was quite a business man, a mobster... But I don't deal with that shit anymore...unless I have too.

"Sorry for Delaneys big mouth, we were just curious. What's a rich girl like you wanting to move to a town like this- My mom was raised here, and now that she's gone, me and dad wanted to feel closer to her." I explained cutting Sharon off.

All of a sudden there was some noise across the cafeteria hall. I stood up and examined the football jocks trashing a table.

"Hey creep. What are you doing sitting here alone?" The quarter back yelled towards the curly haired kid and then laughed. Suddenly the quarter back punched him in the face.

I gulped. My eyes landed on who they were picking on... A boy with dark curly hair, he looked familiar... I think he was my neighbour? The mansion next to mine. He came over with his sister to greet us to the neighbor hood, he was nice and kind.

"What a sore loser." Sharon spoke and giggled, her posse of friends laughed and I rolled my eyes. I scoffed and started making my way over to them.

"Y/N?! Wait? What are you doing? Let Jay deal with him, that creep deserves it. " Sharon spoke and followed.

I pushed Jay off of him, "Leave him alone!" I yelled, Jay turned around and smiled at me.

"Woah new girl, you're feisty. Why are you going to defend this freak? You don't know him? Miles is a weirdo who probably murdered his own parents. " Jay spoke, the cafeteria hall stayed quiet.

I clenched my jaw and turned my head to face the curly haired boy named Miles. He had a busted lip from Jay. He was terrified.

"I can end your life easily- And how are you going to do that Princess? With your fathers help? Just because you're rich doesn't mean you get everything you spoilt bitch." Jay spoke as he stepped towards me.
His smug smirk made me want to punch him, but that'll just get me suspended on my first day or even expelled.

I smiled and looked at his varsity jacket,

"Oh wow, you're so wrong Jay. I get what I want, when I want it, and how I want it to be dealt with." I whispered as I stepped closer towards him. I made sure no one could hear me so I could say my next few sentences.

"You wanna deal with me? How about a MR-412 rex revolver? Yep, I have my gun license, thanks to my father." I whispered and placed my pointer fingers towards his stomach. Jay gulped and stayed quite.

"You're the quarter back right? Well so I've heard...And let me guess, your intelligence isn't all quite there... So, the only way you'll make it to college is a sports scholarship right? And my daddy 'Christopher Banks' would love to hear about your presence with me today... You don't want to deal with me Jay, and you're going to stop fucking around, leave everyone alone, including Miles." I whispered while walking my fingers along his stomach and then up his chest, and then to his chin. Only Jay could hear me. I was throwing threats.

I smiled and he stayed quite. "Tell anyone about what I said, and how I threatened you.. and I'll make the consequences worse. That's all." I replied smiling and stepped back.

My arms folded and watched as Jay and his group of Neanderthals walked off. My lips smacked and walked over to help Miles.

"Thank you for helping me. I didn't want to get brutally beaten up again, Flora always ask's me what happened and I don't want to worry her." Miles spoke referring to his sister. I smiled lightly and helped him stand up.

"We should go clean your lip and place an ice pack on your cheek ok?" I asked,  Miles agreed and we started heading for towards the exit of the cafeteria.

"Y/N what are you doing? You can't hang out with Miles- Fuck off Sharon." I yelled cutting her off.
The people in cafeteria just gasped. I smiled walking off.

Narrator POV

As Y/N helped Miles, he couldn't seem to stop thinking about how she stood up for him. He was thankful that someone cared, usually he was caring for Flora.. And now he knows what it feels like again to be cared for.

They were in the males bathroom, cleaning up.

"Are you okay being in here- Miles, I don't care. I'm here to help you." Y/N spoke cutting Miles off. Miles smirked and stayed quite. Y/N washed off his blood and raised her brows.

"Don't listen to those jerks okay?" Y/N mumbled, Miles agreed and winced in pain as he felt his cheek.

"Idiot, Don't touch your bruised cheek. You'll make it worse." Y/N whispered smiling, Miles smiled and placed his hand down.

"Thank you again. You're the first kind person who's actually talked to me this year and who hasn't bullied me." Miles whispered,
Y/N couldn't be any happier helping Miles.

-how was this? I made Y/N a bad ass lmao. 😼😂👀

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