Chapter two

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Miles POV

I was walking Flora to class.

"So I'll meet you here at 3 o'clock ok? So we can go home quickly and do your lemonade stand with your friends and the bake sale." I mentioned smiling at my younger sister. Flora agreed and I high fived her before she left for class.

Before class starts I ran to my locker to grab my science books and my pencil case. Slowly closing my locker I thought about Y/N... I drove her home yesterday. Before she left my car and hopped out I gave her a weird invite to come over some time and maybe go horse riding with me.... I closed my locker shut and shook off the thought.

I turned around and felt as someone shoved me. I fell to the ground and saw Jay hovering over me.

"Watch it creep." He spoke grinning then walked off, The kids in the hallway all just stared at me and laughed. Sharon then walked over with her friends,

"Stay away from Y/N, you'll turn her into a weirdo. If I see you talking to Y/N, me and my boyfriend Jay will come after you. Do you want another beating?" Sharon asked me, I scoffed.

"I have no choice, Jay beats me up anyway." I mumbled quietly, Sharon raised her brows. She then grabbed her friends milkshake and poured it all over me.

"Trash, just like your parents." She mentioned then walked off. I clenched my jaw and stood up. It was so embarrassing, people were laughing at me.


Today I stayed home. I had to do some work with Daddy before he flew out to NY for some business. I hope no one messed with Miles today.

I walked around my mansion and looked for Sawyer, my butler. My eyes examined the empty kitchen and decided I'd make myself my own lunch since I skipped it when I was helping daddy.

As I was cutting up some shit I looked out my window and saw Sawyer outside near Miles house, he was helping Flora with her lemonade stand and bake sale. A small smile spread across my face.

I made my way over to my phone and decided to dial up Miles house number. When Miles nanny picked up I kindly asked for Miles.

"Hello?" Miles asked, I smiled.
"Hey Miles, Y/N here. I can see that Flora has a lemonade stand and a bake sale outside, and my butler Sawyer is helping... Can I come over?" I asked, Miles chuckled slightly.
"Yeah sure, Sawyer came over and insisted he help me and the girls, I'll be out soon." Miles replied.

I placed the phone down and raced towards the elevator. As I exited my home and out of the gates I started making my way to the lemonade stand. My eyes examining Miles from a distance, he smiled.

"Hey girlies, I'm here for some lemonade and cupcakes!" I spoke smiling at Flora and her friends. Flora handed me some cool lemonade and cupcakes.

Miles smiled at me and I smiled back. "How was school?" I asked, Miles nervously looked down at then replied with, "yeah uh it was good."

I raised my brows, "I've known you for a couple hours and I can already tell that you're crap at lying. What happened today?" I asked Miles.

Miles gulped and then looked back up at me.
"Jay and his girlfriend Sharon messed with me, Sharon said to stay away from you and then she, poured a milkshake all over me. But it's not a big deal." Miles explained, I frowned my brows and nodded a yes.

"It's a huge deal. God, If only I was at school today. I'm going to get them bac- You can't Y/N, their a power couple, people at school bow down to them..." Miles mentioned, I laughed.

"Yeah right, their both dumb fucks and the only reason people bow down is so that they don't get beat up. Look, tonight I'm going to pay them a visit. Want to come? Show you a taste of what my family do." I mentioned. Miles stayed quiet.

"Actually, don't come. I don't want you being worried or having second thoughts about being my friend- I've heard about what your dad does. And I want to come." Miles spoke interrupting me.

After Flora's bake sale I brought Miles over to my house.

"Swayer go tell Perkins to get the car ready... We're going to see some bad people." I spoke giving Sawyer a look.

Miles POV

Sawyer walked off and Y/N walked down a massive hall way. There was 2 big doors on each side of the hall way and I examined them.

"What's in that door?" I asked curious, Y/N smirked.

"Daddy's office, and this ones mine." She mentioned and walked into the other one. As I entered the room I analysed her office. Shit.

She then brought out some guns and knifes.

"Woah, What are you doing? We're not killing them- Calm down Miles, No, we're not killing them. Just scaring them." She replied while holding 2 guns up.

We heard Knocks and turned around, I assumed it was Perkins, Y/N's chauffeur
"Ms. Y/N, we still have those... Things in the back boot- Perkins, dispose of them then." Y/N replied.

I gulped. I turned to face Y/N.

"What 'things'?" I asked, Y/N exhaled a breath.

"Nothing, you don't need to know- Do you kill people?" I asked with raised brows.  Y/N stayed quiet.

"Only if I need too. Miles, the people I killed this morning have done terrible things and betrayed my father." Y/N explained, I gulped nervously. This girl scared me but, I kinda liked her.

"Now, choose a gun." Y/N mumbled staring at me. I grinned.

-Miles knows Y/N kills people.
-Oof. Should they become a dark couple?
-Would you date Finn if he told you he killed people who did terrible things?😂 Dark Finn

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