Chapter seven

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Miles POV

"We need to tell your dad and your uncle about the text". I mumbled as I faced Y/N.

We were in her room just thinking about who would want to murder Sharon and Katy, along with Jay.

My jaw clenched and I stood up from her bed. My arms snakes around her waist and brought her closer.

"I need to go, your dad needs me to drive out to Langhome- My dad has too many jobs for you. Are you going to kill tonight?" Y/N asked me as she looked up. I nodded a no and gulped.

"No, just a delivery. But, if they don't come through, then yeah I have to kill." I replied and explained.
Y/N rolled her eyes.

"You don't have to kill them, just threaten them."
Y/N whispered and pushed me away, I scoffed.

"Your dad has new rules." I mumbled back.


My eyes examined as I watched Miles leave my room.

A sigh escaped my mouth, fuck. Someone was murdering teenagers because of something I started.

My phone began vibrating... Number was unknown..

To: Y/N
From: Unknown Number

You must be worried. I need you to do something, and it involves killing.

You must kill Flora's nanny, or I go ahead and kill Flora once she steps out of her after school Girl Scout programme. Choose. I'll be watching.

I gulped and looked up from my phone. Quickly running over to my window I checked outside for any unwanted vehicles or anyone who looked suspicious.

No one was out there. How is this person watching me? I gulped and felt as my phone vibrated again.

To: Y/N
From: Unknown Number

I can see you looking for me. Nice window view.

My heart raced and I decided to call Miles. Why wasn't he picking up?

I continued to call and call. Shit.

I realised I had to do shit my own way. I grabbed my keys and needed to go down to Flora's girl scout programme and make sure she's safe.

I quickly rang Flora's nanny and explained to her that something bad was going to happen, and that she needed to leave the house. I insisted I pick up Flora from her Girl Scout.

My car was parked outside of her Girl Scout building and I waited. I waited quite a long time.

I had my revolver and was armed. My jaw clenched as girls began to leave the building, my eyes landed on Flora and I smiled.

"Hey pretty girl. Your nanny was busy, so it's me picking you up okay?" I spoke, Flora smiled and I helped her into my car.

Suddenly, my phone started vibrating. It was a call from Miles.

"Hello-Your uncle just called me,  the nanny's guts are everywhere in my house.. The murder also left a note, and someone called anonymously saying someone died at my Manor, I'm rushing to go pick up Flora, the police said she isn't home." Miles explained as he cut me off.

"Miles, it's okay. I picked her up. I'll explain to you, just come to mine." I replied and then hung up.

My lips smacked together and I closed my eyes.

"Flora, we have to go to my house for now. We can bake cookies and make cupcakes!" I spoke trying to be positive.

Flora smiled and then started telling me all about her day.

I couldn't think. The nanny's death was on me.

- Was this good? Idk ha 😂❤️😭 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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