Chapter five

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Me and Miles walked hand in hand down the hallway as we made our way to class. I gulped nervously and didn't think I was 'okay'.

I examined the janitors closet and needed to talk to Miles about Jay's death.

I pulled Miles towards me and pushed him into the closet. Closing the door behind us miles smiled.

"Ou, the closet- Miles this is serious, if the cops or the freaking FBI find any evidence of us... We are dead. I don't want to have to ask you this... But, did you... did you kill Jay?" I asked and looked up at Miles.

He nodded a no. "No, I didn't. Trust me." Miles spoke. I nodded in agreement.


class continued and the teachers had to explain to the classes and the whole fucking school that our star quarter back was murdered. Sharon cried her ass off, so she should.

The death of the star quarter back hung low on our hearts. I was curious on who killed him.

I stopped focusing on math and snapped out of my thoughts when the doors opened. It was my uncle Marco and the principle.

"Listen up. The whole school will be questioned this week. We will also have a silent night for Jay White, that will be tonight on the field, we'll have a moment of silence for Jay, his mother and his younger sister." Uncle Marco spoke,

I turned my head to look over at Sharon's desk, she was already glaring at me. Shit.

Sharon's eyes were red. As class finished I walked over to her,

"I'm sorry for your loss- Apologising? Why, for I all I know, it could've been you and your boyfriend. You're both psycho. That's why I'm exposing you to the FBI, telling them about that night you kept me hostage with jay, also, when people find out, the sheriff is outta here, we don't want a dirty sheriff." Sharon threatened then walked off.

I sighed and placed my head in my hands. Shit this was messy.

Miles than walked over to me and held me in a hug.

"We have a delivery come on- How can you be thinking about that? Look, Sharon's willing to tell the FBI about what happened that night." I mumbled scared, Miles licked his lips.

"Your uncle will handle it. So will your dad, can't he just pay the FBI? Make a deal." Miles asked, I exhaled and rolled my eyes.

"Daddy can't always pay me out of situations Miles. But, we'll see what happens, I'll tell daddy after the delivery." I replied, Miles rubbed my arm and nodded. He smiled and leaned in to kiss me.

"You're a strong, determined girl, and you can get through with this." Miles mentioned, I blushed.

Miles POV

I parked the car outside of my mansion, Y/N quickly dropped Flora off inside and made sure she was okay.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Mr. Banks, Y/N's father.

"Hello, Sir? It's Miles. Sharon Newman, she's willing to expose me and Y/N about what happened that night.... Can you stop her? Hmm ok."

Loudly I gulped as I ended the call.

The car door opened and my girlfriend entered.

"Flora is doing homework and I quickly made her sandwiches." Y/N spoke, I smiled at her and loved that she did that.

Y/N then turned her head to look in the back seat.

"Let's deliver this cocaine. And then go home. I can't deal with a lot tonight." Y/N mumbled, I agreed and interlocked our fingers.


I pulled out my gun and pointed it towards his face.

"Where's my money Daniel? You asked for Cocaine, well it's fucking here. I need that $200,000 because this is a deal. You bring me money and we bring you cocaine." I explained angry,

Daniel tried escaping the chair Miles tied him too.

"I'm short of cash, I only have $150,000." Daniel explained, I rolled my eyes and punched him.

"My daddy, gave you 4 weeks to prepare for this delivery. Look, you're a waste of time-

A shot was fired, I couldn't finish my sentence.

Daniel was shot. I turned around to see Miles with a revolver.

"He was wasting time, like you said. His excuse wasn't good enough. And, Like what your father told me... To kill them if they don't reach your expectations, and this guy Daniel didn't have our money expectation." Miles explained.

"Perkins, Expose of this. And then we're going home." Miles yelled. I placed my gun away and turned around to stare at Daniels dead body. I knew who he was, I knew he had a family.

I clenched my jaw. I was scared about Sharon exposing us...

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