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"And I'll follow right down the river. Where the ocean meets the sky. To you, to you"


From: Quinn
To: Tatiana
Do you still think about me the way I think about you?

Do you still love me the way I love you?

You should be here


Quinn packs up his things to get ready to head back home with his fam. The Dallas trip was exhausting and as much as he loved the experience of the draft, he can't wait to head back home.

He has to start mentally preparing himself to make the decision on whether to sign an entry level contract or head back to Michigan for another year.

Why do I have to make one of the most important decisions in my life when I'm still only 18?

He hears his phone beep and he sees a text from Jack

From: Jack
Tatiana just followed you on IG again

To: Jack
How tf would you know?

From: Jack
She just told me she did

To: Jack
Tf? Why is everyone talking to my ex all of a sudden

From: Jack
She sent you a DM so go look at it

To: Jack
And why tf should I?

From: Jack
Because you'll regret it if you don't

Quinn leaves him on read and goes onto his IG and clicks over to his DMs. He starts typing her name into the search bar until her name pops up

From: tatialexieff
Quinn, I know it's been a month since everything that happened but can we talk? I have some things I need to say

To: tatialexieff
Tati, of course. I never thought you would ever message me again

From: tatialexieff
Can we talk over Face Time? Or did you block my number?

To: tatialexieff
Of course and I didn't block it. Never had the heart to do it. Did you block my number?

From: tatialexieff
No I tried to but I couldn't

A second later, his phone rings with the Face Time request. He answers it and is immediately met with the face of Tati sitting on the couch in her apartment.

"Tati," he says, so glad to finally hear her voice again after a month.

"Quinn," she replies, biting her lip nervously.

"So, you wanted to talk?" he asks, the question bring rhetorical.

"Yeah um I just wanted to know if you meant it," she replies, watching his brows furrow in confusion.


"Did you mean it when you said you still loved me and you missed me?" she asks, referring to the video.

"When did I say that to you? I haven't called or texted since we broke up," he asks, growing even more confused.

"You got drunk on draft night and talked about missing me and loving me. You said you fucked up and that you'll never get me back," she explains, trying to get him to understand.

"But I didn't call or text you," he replies, still not getting it.

"Quinn, Jack sent me a video of you crying while being drunk af and saying those things," she replies, causing his mouth ti drop in shock.

The look of shock quickly turns to anger.

"I gotta go! I'll call you back!" he replies quickly before hanging up.

He storms out of his room and goes quickly to his brothers' room knocking on the door.

Luke opens the door a second later and is met with an angry af Quinn.

"Where the fuck is he?" Quinn practically growls.

"In the bathroom taking a piss," Luke replies, confused as to why his oldest brother is mad af.

Jack comes out a second later and Quinn charges him, grabbing him by the neck and slamming him against the wall.

"You son of a bitch! You fucking recorded me drunkenly crying over her and sent it to her! Why the fuck would you do that?" he shouts, holding a tight grip on his younger brother's neck.

"QUINN STOP! LET GO OF HIM!" Luke shouts, grabbing Quinn from behind.

"Stay the fuck out of this, Luke!" Quinn growls.

"Quinn... I... can't... breathe...." Jack coughs, gasping for air.

Quinn loosens his grip around his neck but still keeps him against the wall.

"Answer me, you bitch! Why would you betray me like that?" Quinn continues.

"Because she needed to see that! She wasn't gonna talk to you without knowing how you feel and you're too much of a pussy to talk to her yourself!" Jack shouts back, growing tired of the "Hughes Of Our Lives" soap opera Quinn got going on.

"You're a snake!" Quinn growls.

"And you're an ungrateful son of a bitch! Instead of appreciating the fact that we're all looking out for you, you're constantly pushing us away. But fine, have it your way! When you end up in the hospital getting your stomach pumped one of the days, don't say no one was ever there for you!" Jack practically spits in his face.

Quinn lets his brother go and storms out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him. He goes back to his room and drops to his bed.

"FUCK!" he screams into his pillow.

He knows he just fucked up and he doesn't know how he can fix it.

Only You 》Quinn Hughes [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now