Part 2 of Chapter 11: I love payback on vacation.

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 All the boys were on the beach. Slender... 'rented' it? I don't know what to call it. Anywho, everyone was just having fun then, we the girls, came down to the beach. I just didn't want any trouble. Know what I got? Trouble. After I set my towl down I started with what anyone would do... fucking. Sunscreen. I was almost done when I reached a problem. I don't want sunburn on my back... or people touching my back. Ugh! And I'd feel awkward having one of the boys doing it but I'd feel really awkward having one of the girls doing it. Liu must've seen me thinking because he walking over and said,"Need help?", like the friendly person he is. I gave up on all of humanity and gave in,"Y-yeah.". It was fine, he was fine, he's a friend! It's fine. It's. Fine. It's. Perfectly. Fine. And then he stood up and rubbed what was left on his arms. Huh, it was fine.

 You stood up to do the back of your legs when someone hit you with a watergun. You looked up and made eye contact with E.J. Who was holding a watergun. "Crap." He took off with me hot on his tail, everyone either cheering for me or was telling E.J he's  dead. I won! I full on 'football' tackled him. It hurt a little but, eh. I was more proud of myself then worried. "Watch where you're aiming next time bud.", I said as I helped him up,"Will do."

 Sally kept begging for you to go in the water," Come on (Your Name)! I want to go in!" "Then you go in, I'll watch you Sally!", that's when Toby scooped her up,"Let's go Sally, she'll come when she wants to.", I mouthed 'Thank You' to him while he laughed at my indolence. I just layed down and let the sun do it's work.

 As you were laying down Jeff and Ben were refilling there water guns for the 'war' they were having with E.J and Sully, Liu didn't want any blame if something happened. Zero, Jane, and Clockwork were watching what the boys were doing when they saw you, you had actually fallen asleep somehow with all the noise. Zero walked over and poked you cheeck, you didn't move, she signaled the girls to come over. They walked over to you and moved you, with you head and hair on the towl, they started to build a mermaid tail around your legs and waist. Clockwork went to get some shells while the other two kept building. Toby saw what they where doing and walked over,"N-need he-elp?".

 You woke up some time later, you heard everyone and you could smell the ocean... but you couldn't move your legs. You sat up as best as one in your position and looked down. When did you get a tail? You moved your toes and some sand moved, but not alot. "Jane! Clockwork, Zero? What'd you three do!" I heard laughing behind me. If I could see them I'd be using my death glare.

 You tried to stand up but before you could Jane ran in front of you and snapped a picture. This once in a lifetime moment would now be remembered forever. Noo. You then got up and saw all the sand on your legs. "Thanks.", you were gonna get payback by the end of the day. You walked over to where Sally was in the water,"Hey Sally, whatch' ya doin'?", Sally smiled and dragged you over to Toby. She wasn't going to say it out loud but she liked it when you to smiled and laughed together,"Toby, Toby!", Sally was so hyper. "Hmm? Oh, hi-i (Your Name) and S-Sall-y.", Sally started to splash around causing you to instently smile while Toby just laughed. "So what are you and the others up to?", as I say that Toby and I get blasted by ice cold water. Jeff.

 After you slapped the back of Jeffs head you started packing up since it was getting late, the others did to. When you got back Slender was reading a book... somehow. He looked up to see you all. You all changed and while you changed you were thinking of a way to get the girls back. "Hide their weapons for a week. No. Have the boys bother them... to cruel. I know!" You walked out of your room and went to the porch... you might not payback today, but tomorrow works out just as fine. 

 You had a plan, and a damn good one at that. You just needed the boys on your side, and possibly Sally. I love payback on vacation.


 Part 3 will be out soon! I have a great idea I hope you'll all like! Also, this is just a random thought, but does anyone else imagine Laughing Jack with a British accent? Like, King George the III type of accent- not heavy, but there. IDK. Anyway, as usual, wanna stay connected? Follow me, or maybe you want a special chapter or a custom book? Comment and I'll see what I can do! Thank you for reading Ghouls and Ghosts!


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