Part 3 of Chapter 11: This trip will be unforgettable, for sure.

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A/N: If you guys look closely at some of my chapters you'll notice they've been edited. I decided to spell check my own stuff and keep in mind-on my second day on Wattpad I wrote the first seven chapters for this in one day. I was tired AF. So if you find stuff is different-give me a chance to correct myself. On to the reason your here!

 You decided you'd make dinner for once. You made chicken, salad, (you bought)bread rolls, and just for E.J since you did tackle him, kidneys. It was a godawful having to be in the same room as them but... for E.J! After you all ate you all quickly found out there weren't enough rooms for one person each (when you guys changed for the beach some people used the bathrooms.), so you needed a room mate. Fun. You booked it over to big sister Jane and you two agreed on rooming together. This was gonna be fun: vacation, sleepover with Jane, beach parties! Ho Boi!

 You and Jane stayed up talking, but that doesn't mean you're still not getting her back for the tail, and then she said something that made you fluster,"So you have a crush on anyone?". She asked raising her eyebrows. "W-what! No.", oh God. I stuttered. "You do! Aw, who is? I won't tell! It's not Jeff is it, if it is I'll make sure he doesn-" "OH GOD NO! No it's not Jef-I mean, first I don't have a 'crush', and two-if I did it would not be Jeff." (Not in this story at least!) You finally got off the subject when Jane started to fall asleep. Thank chu Lord! You then let sleep take you away.

 You woke up on the floor. I'm so getting my revenge today. I made sure to wake up early so I could convince the boys to help me. I got dressed in a (now look. Sally got this for me so I couldn't say 'no'.) thigh-high skirt, white croptop, and my flip flops. Good, step 1 is done: look good so the boys can't say 'no' to this.

 You checked to make sure Zero and Clocky weren't up but still asleep, once you did you went to the living room were most of them were, step 2: sweet talk, christ. "Morning gentlemen..." You were struggling already. Obviously. Step 2, plan B: "I need help with revenge.", being straight forward. The clothing now proved pointless. "Wi-ith wh-who?" Toby asked,  he looked a little... uneasy. "Yesterday, when I took a nap at the beach, the girls, not including Sally, pranked me." Jeff wasn't paying attention until he remembered Jane was a girl.

 "Do I get to prank Jane?", he sounded to hopeful. "No. But you guys can help with my plan. And help with my revenge, not prank. Prank sounds to immature." After I told them the plan we told the others who weren't in the living room. We all took our positions outside, waiting. Yeah, I'll be in trouble later, but this is to perfect with the others here. How the hell could I not do this. Once the girls walked outside step 3 was in motion,"FIRE!", watergun to the... entire body. At least they were in bathing suits. After they screamed bloody murder they looked for the leader. Clocky set her eye on me. "Revenge tastes so good!", I yelled from my spot, I climbed a tree for this, even if they're mad they know I put myself through hells gates because I hate climbing tall trees. This was a tall fucking tree. "(Your Name), get down, you're going to hurt yoursel-", Jane was cut off by me falling out off tree onto Ben and Lost Silver. "Sorry guys.", I landed on their backs, somehow? How do ghosts work? Do they just go with the flow because they're technically incomporeal or can they turn into a corporeal body, oh! Or- I'll stop myself there. I got off them and Jane came behind me and gave a hug. She was still soaked from our attack.

 I got my revenge and the rest of the week went smoothly. Jeff's idea for this was great but by the end off the week I wanted to go on a spree. It's been a while since I've done one. Hmm. I'll head off once we get back. This trip will be unforgettable, for sure.


 Ah, the classic water gun prank. Anyway, if you want to follow the developement of the story follow me! Wanna request a chapter or separate book? Comment and I'll do my best! Have a lovely day Ghouls and Ghosts!

Sidestory time!

 While I was writing this Wattpad and my Wifi were being twats and the story wouldn't save or load so I had open a new tab to finish it. Thank you Lord and savior Bill Cypher.(Joke)


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