I'm out

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   Authors Note: This does contain child abuse.

-------------Lucy's POV ---------------

My Name is Lucy Heartfilia. I am 12 years old right now, but I was so scared it felt like I was 3. My father was in front of me, with a leather belt in his hand. "Lucy, you are not getting out of this! How many times have I told you to stay out of my office!" My dad yelled at me, slashing the belt across my face. He did it repeatedly. There was a blade implanted in the side, which cut into my face. My face was bleeding, and it was scarred. My tears were mixing with my blood and my wounds, which made it sting. "I think you've learned your lesson. Don't go back in my office, or you'll have a repeat of today," he said briefly as he left the room. I quickly ran downstairs to the kitchen crying. "I-I I need someone to clean my f-face..." I said when I walked in. One of the maids immediately saw me and started to warm up some water. "Oh... Come here, I'll help you. " she got a cloth and started to wipe the blood off of my face. When the water heated up, she started to clean the wounds on my face. "Is it gonna leave a scar?" I asked. "Probably, I'm not sure.." She replied as she went to go get some bandages to put on my face and arms. When she was finished, I thanked her and immediately ran to my room.

     When I got to my room, I grabbed a backpack. "I'll leave after dinner. As it gets dark." I said to myself. I grabbed my keys, some pairs of shorts, and some shirts. I was going to get the food on my way out the door, because there was a secret exit only I knew about. 

     After dinner, I quickly ran upstairs to get my backpack, then I went down the servant stairs. They lead straight to the kitchen, so no one would see me unless they were on them. I got enough food to fill my bag, and I headed out. Thankfully, my bag wasn't very heavy, but I didn't run much, so I was going fairly slow. 

     When I had gone about a mile, I started to get tired, so I climbed a tree and lied down on a thick branch. I drifted off to my world of dreams. Well, nightmares. I had a dream about my dad finding out that I left and he found me. Let's just say it didn't end well. When I woke up, I grabbed my things and started running. I ran all day, I only stopped to eat. It was nighttime by the time I saw city lights in the distance. I couldn't find any trees with branches low enough for me to climb, so I lied down on a large patch of moss. I was just about to go to sleep, but then I saw something. It was gold, and it was glittering in the moonlight. I walked over to it, and I found out that it was a key. A zodiac key. It's inscription looked like this♌, but I couldn't remember who's key it was. 

     I fell asleep thinking about it, and I had a dream. This one was about the key. I woke up, the sun was very bright, and by the position, it was about 9:00. I knew who it was. I gripped the key tightly and yelled out, "Open, gate of the lion, Leo!" There was a bright light, and a spirit came out.

 ------*this is a quick authors note*------ 

Okay, so I know this is physically impossible, but i did it like this so it isn't very weird, I apologize.

     The spirit that came out was about the same age as me. He had ginger hair, glasses, and a suit. "Hi- wait, who are you? How did you get my key?!" He said, apparently very surprised. "It was just on the ground, I found it last night, why?" I asked. "I was contracted with someone, I guess she left me.." He said as he started to cry.  "Well, you can be contracted with me if you want." I said, " I ran away from home though, I don't have anywhere to stay right now. " "I would like that. I'm open almost every day, and I can come out myself sometimes. You can call me Loke." He said as he held out his hand. I shook it. " I'm Lucy. We should probably find a place to stay right now... " "Thank you Lucy. For finding me." He said as he transferred into the spirit realm. I put his key on my chain, and I started to walk to the city. 

     When I got to the city, there was a guild. I noticed it was called Fairy Tail. Loke came out of his key as I was about to open the door. "So you picked this place, huh? I used to come here with Karen, she didn't like it much, but I did." He told me, looking at the door, he opened it, and we walked in. 

     We heard a lot of remarks such as " Hey, what are kids doing here? " and "that girl looks like the Heartfilia kid." We asked a girl that looked about 16, she had white hair, where the guild master was. "Probably in his office. Down that hallway." She replied, pointing where the hallway was. 

     When we walked in, a short old man asked what we were doing here. "W-we were wondering if we c-could join the guild..." I stuttered. I barely got it out, but he clearly heard me. "What kind of magic do you two do?" "She's a celestial wizard, I'm one of her spirits." Loke said. I'm glad he spoke for me. "My Name is Makarov. What are yours?" Master Makarov asked. " I'm Loke, her name is Lucy. "

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