Battle Scars

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~~~~~~~the next morning ~~~~~~~

Lucy's POV

    Loke slept in the bed next to me last night so I wouldn't get nightmares. Not gonna lie, it was fairly nice. When I woke up, I saw Loke was sitting near the bed reading. He looked up when he heard me. "Oh, you're up. I set up an appointment at 11:00, so we can eat breakfast, and lunch when we get back," he said, putting away his book. I got dressed and met Loke at the bar. "Hey, are you feeling better, Lucy?" Mirajane asked. "Yeah. We're going to the doctor today..." I replied. "Yeah. Hey Mira, did you talk to Lisanna?" Loke asked. "Oh, yeah, I did. I told her if she did something like that again, she couldn't talk to Natsu." Mirajane scowled, handing us our breakfast. "Well... Okay. Thanks Mira. We appreciate it," I said. 

      When we finished our breakfast, we practiced our magic until it was time to go. It didn't take long for the doctor to call my name. "Lucy Heartfilia" The nurse announced. Me and Loke followed her to a room. The nurse had a clipboard with her and started to write down things. "When did these symptoms start?" The doctor asked. "Just last night." The nurse scribbled something on her clipboard. "So, what exactly happened?" He asked. " Well, this girl told me that I should learn to respect my superiors, and I started to get really dizzy. My vision started to go blurry and dark, and I started throwing up. " I replied. Scribble scribble. It went on like that for a while. "Lucy Layla Heartfilia, I diagnose you with PTSD." the doctor said. " I knew it... " Loke and I mumbled in unison. The doctor explained what we should do when I have an episode. We thanked him and left.

    Loke's POV

    When we got back to the guild, Lucy wanted to go straight to her room. We went in, only to find Lisanna there. "Go away Lisanna!" I said, a little loudly. " Why is she crying? " lisanna asked. "I said go away! You don't have any right to be in here!" I said. I was yelling now. "Well, I just, Mira told me to see if you were okay..." Lisanna whispered. " Well, she's not! Please just go away! " Lisanna quickly left the room. "Lucy, do you wanna go to sleep? I noticed you didn't fall asleep until late last night." I told Lucy. She nodded and climbed into bed. "I'll get some food when you wake up," I told her, rubbing her forehead with the back of my hand. 'God, you are so cute...' I thought, once again. It was true though. Someone like her shouldn't have to go through abuse, having to run away, and getting diagnosed with PTSD. It was really sad, she was too nice. I left to the spirit realm after a minute. I just noticed that I was crying then. Aries, being the nice girl she is, came over to me. "What's wrong, Leo? You've been so happy recently, I haven't seen you cry in months." She said, looking sympathetic. "S-she, she doesn't deserve it. Any of it. She's too nice, she deserves to be happy. She's been abused, and she was diagnosed with PTSD. It, it's not fair!" I told Aries , my palms on my eyes. "I know, Leo, none of it is fair. Life itself isn't fair. Try and look at me in the eye and say that you haven't wished that you weren't alive." 

     After about 30 minutes, I decided to go check on her. When I went to Earthland, I noticed that she was just waking up. "Nngh... Loke?" She asked, opening her eyes. " the one and only. " I laughed. "Sorry, my vision's a little blurry... " she said, stretching her arms. "Well... It's about 12:45, d'you wanna get some lunch?" I asked. She nodded. 

     We went to a cafe. I saw that later that night people 12 and up were allowed to sing on the stage. I made a mental note to ask Lucy if we could sing 'Battle Scars' together. When we reached the guild hall, I noticed something. "Hey Lucy, you might want to take those bandages off. Your scars could be healed a little," I told Lucy. We walked into her room, and she proceeded to take them off. The scars were faint now, even though it had only been a few days. "Loke... Do you want to see something?" She asked. I nodded, hesitantly. She turned, her back facing me, and took off her shirt. There were scars all along her spine. "Is that from him?" I asked. She nodded, sitting on her bed. "They've been there since I was 7, but they still hurt, a lot." She said, her eyes tearing. "Well, I can't help that, but I might be able to cheer you up a little. You know that cafe we went to? At 7:00 people 12 and up can sing, I was wondering if we could sing 'Battle Scars', " I said. She nodded and put her shirt back on. "That would be nice." 

~~~~Like six hours later~~~~

    Lucy's POV

   "Come on, Loke! I thought you said you wanted to sing!" I told him, but it made him work no faster. " I'm trying to do my hair, don't rush me! " he said, continuing to do his bangs. "You know what, I'll help," said, walking to him. I made his hair look like it usually did in about 5 minutes. "Okay, we good now?" I asked. He nodded, and we left. On our way out, a boy that I recognized as Gajeel caught us. "Hey, where are you guys going?" He asked. " Well, there's this cafe and if you're 12 or older you can sing tonight so we were just doing that, " Loke answered. "Really? Can I come? Lisanna is annoying me like hell." Gajeel asked. I nodded. "Sure. It's like Karaoke, just without the words, so you have to know the song," Loke said. Gajeel nodded, "okay, I'm good with that." " then let's go! " 

     When we got there, it was a few minutes until seven. "Do you guys wanna get something to eat while we wait? " I asked. Everyone nodded. We ended up each buying a piece of cake. Gajeel ate his spoon, being an iron dragon slayer. "Gajeel!" Me and loke whisper-yelled. " Sorry... " he mumbled, "I couldn't help it." "It's fine, " I said. Suddenly, a woman went on the stage. "Hey, everyone! I notice there aren't that many people here right now, but no problem! Who wants to go first?" She asked. She looked a lot like Evergreen. Anyways, Loke and I went up to the stage. "We want to sing battle scars," he said. " Oh, okay. Do you want to say something first? " she asked handing us each a microphone. I nodded and we walked on the stage. "Just tell me when to start the music. " "Hi everyone!" Loke started off, "We're going to sing 'Battle Scars' tonight because it relates to us on a personal level. We've both been through a lot, so, yeah. Start it, please."

  A/N So I was going to do the lyrics but it was taking forever. Sorry.

We switched vocals every verse, with me starting. When we got back to our seat, Gajeel stared at us. "What?" Loke and I asked in unison. "Okay, first of all, you guys are way better than Lisanna!" Gajeel said, raising his voice a little. "Second, I hope you realize that you just sang a love song." He said, getting up to go on stage. Gajeel sang, I think the song was called "the hanging tree". Somehow, Gajeel and Loke convinced me to sing "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry. Anyway, we stayed there until about 9:00, when all of us started to get tired. "You guys are a lot of fun. I might hang out with you more often. See ya later! " Gajeel said, waving to us and going into his room. "Do you want me to stay with you or do you think you'll be okay?" Loke asked me. " I think I'll be okay. I'll summon you if I get a nightmare. " I replied, resulting in him reluctantly going back to the celestial realm.

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