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   Loke's POV

   It's been a few days since the doctor's appointment. We decided to start going to a school, since it would be strange to see two twelve year olds roaming the streets during the middle of the day. Macao agreed to be our "parental permission" to get in. "Thanks for coming with us, Macao, " Lucy said as we reached the school. It was called "Sorei junior high". We were going into 7th grade, or year two. "I told you, don't worry about it. I'm glad you two are able to get out of the guild hall," he replied. I've been quiet the entire walk. 

    When we got there, the Secretary led us to a classroom. "Bye guys, I'll see you later!" Macao called out to us. We waved back at him. "Here we are," she said. The teacher introduced us and asked us to tell about ourselves. I used the last name Heartfilia, since I didn't have one. "Well, we're both wizards, we like to sing, and we're in the Fairy Tail guild," I said, noticing Lucy wasn't talking. " Alright, you two can go sit in the back, " the teacher told us, gesturing to the empty seats.

    At lunch time, everyone was asking questions. They were similar to "What kind of magic do you do? " and "What's it like to be in a guild?" And one person said, "I heard that the Heartfilia family is really rich, what's it like to be in a rich family?" This of course triggered her PTSD, and she ran to the nearest bathroom. I followed her, running as fast as we could.

     When we got there, Lucy picked a random stall and crouched down. She was crying, so I ran my fingers through her hair. Another girl came in the bathroom, and when she saw me, she said, "Hey! You're not supposed to be in here!" "Just, can you go get the nurse please? " I asked her. She nodded and went to get her.

 Lucy's POV

     A few minutes after we went into the bathroom, the nurse came in. "What happened?" She asked. " Lucy has PTSD, if anyone asks about h-our family this happens, " Loke replied. He almost said her family, but he caught himself remembering he's supposed to be my brother. "Oh, I remember seeing that on her medical records. Come, on, I'll take her to my office," the nurse said, walking out of the bathroom. 

    Loke had to help me a little, but we eventually made it. When we reached the office, the bell rang, and I swear I couldn't hear anything for a few seconds. After that my head was pounding. "Well, first, I'll give you some medicine for that headache you probably have now," the nurse told me, getting up. "Yeah," I said, it barely came out as a whisper. The nurse gave me the medicine, and she wrote three notes. Two of them were tardy slips, since we were late for class, and the third one was for Loke. "Give this to the principal, it says that whenever Lucy has a PTSD episode, you're allowed to go in the girls bathroom," Loke grabbed it from the table, blushing slightly, and we went to class.

~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~

 "Finally, we can go back to the guild! Geez, it's so boring here, but at least they're teaching us the history of wizards," Loke said as we were leaving. "Yeah, now we can prove to Lisanna that we are smart when she asks us questions," I replied. "Hey, it's Wednesday, right? Mirajane's ice cream is half-off tonight!" Loke exclaimed excitingly. "Yes!" I replied. A boy that looked like he was in third year walked up to us upon hearing that. "Hey, you guys are the wizards from Fairy Tail, right? Do you seriously know Mirajane Strauss?" He asked. " Yeah, why? " I asked. "Why? She's always in 'Sorcerer's Weekly'! She's so pretty... Do you think I could meet her?" The boy asked. I was about to reply, but Loke did first. "Sorry, we aren't supposed to bring visitors into the guild hall. Maybe learn some magic then try to get in?" " Hmm... Alright. See you guys tomorrow, " the boy said, walking off with a smirk. Loke looked at me and I shrugged, and we started walking again. 

     After a few minutes I got bored, since it was a 20 minute walk. In effect, I discreetly grabbed Loke's key and started rubbing it slowly. "H-hey! Lucy I swear, I will get you back for th-haha! P-please stop it!" He said. I didn't, so he grabbed the key and put it in his pocket. "Stop playing with my key, you will be sorry about it in the morning!"

    ~~~~~~the next morning~~~~~

   He was right, I was sorry. He woke me up at three and wouldn't let me go back to sleep. We did, however, get to see Magnolia at night. We sat next to the edge of the river and just looked out to where the buildings met the sky. "It is pretty here during the day, but nighttime is much better. Even if it's colder," I said. "Yeah. I wish Karen would have brought me here more often, though," Loke said, drawing on the dirt. " Well, now you can see it every day, " I replied, grabbing his hand. "Yes, I do get to. It's better with you though. I know you probably don't want to hear about this, but when you were taking a nap after the doctors appointment, I went to the spirit realm and I was crying. A lot. You don't deserve this. You don't. And don't try to be modest. You don't deserve going through abuse, running away, and getting diagnosed with PTSD. It took Aries, Sagittarius, and, believe it or not, Aquarius, to make me calm down," he said, now looking up at me. "Thanks."

    Loke's POV

      When we got to school the next morning, everyone was looking at us. No, me. They were whispering. I couldn't hear them. It was strange, because I usually could. "Do you know what's going on?" Lucy asked. I shook my head. " No. Do you think it was about that boy? " I asked Lucy. I was straightforward because I didn't want him to beg and beg, and have Lucy eventually say yes, and her getting in trouble. "Maybe," she replied. When we walked into the class, everyone got quiet. This was getting really weird. Finally, a girl walked up to us. "Everyone is wondering, is it true, what the boy said? That you're a celestial spirit, and you ran away from home? " she whispered. "What? Ugh... Do you know his name? Who told you?" I asked. " I think it was Aru Akise, " (no, this is not a future diary crossover, I'm just really lazy) she replied. I nodded. I'm gonna find him at lunch. 

  ~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~ 

As soon as the bell signaling lunch rang, I went to find Akise. When I did find him, I pulled him out to the yard. "What the hell?! We're you stalking us or something?!" I said, almost yelling. "Yeah, I wanted to know why you were being so secretive. I followed you, and when I heard you talking about it tickling when she played with your key, I knew you must have been a spirit. So I watched you, and when you went to the river, you started talking about Luc-" he said, but I interrupted him. "Okay, I don't think you know how bad it is that you told everyone. Just a few days ago she had scars on her face from a leather belt with a blade implanted in the side. Her father did that, and if the word gets out of the school, then he could find her and take her back. I don't want that to happen, and I swear if it does you're gonna be dead!" I said , walking back to the cafeteria.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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