A... Friend?

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      ~~~~~~~~~the next morning ~~~~~~~

Loke's POV

I woke up in my room, looking up at the stars. It got rather tiring, looking at them every morning. I wanted to see Lucy, so I went back to Earthland. I noticed she was still sleeping in her room at the guild home. "She's so cute..." I said, blushing when I heard myself. Suddenly, Lucy woke up screaming. "Loke!" She screamed, hugging me. She started crying and touching the scars on her face. I noticed them of course, but I never asked her about them. "Y-you're okay... I had another nightmare..." She whimpered. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked, sitting down on her bed. She nodded her head and I sat on my knees.

     She explained everything. "He started whipping me with a leather belt... You could barely see, but it had a tiny blade implanted in the side. he scarred my face, I was bleeding for hours... I had a dream that he found you, and he tortured you, I-I couldn't do anything..." By then I was hugging her tightly. "I would never let him find us. I promise," I said, hearing footsteps outside. I could tell the person was about our age, and she was trying to be quiet. I slowly let go of Lucy and opened the door. " Oh, hi! I'm Lisanna, I just wanted to meet you guys! " She said, excitedly. "How long have you been there?" I asked, trying to stay calm. " Uh, when she started talking about a dream, " Lisanna replied. "I swear if you tell anyone you'll be dead!" I whisper yelled. I brought Lucy out and we went to eat breakfast. I heard Lisanna talking to someone from the other side of the hall.

    "Yeah, I tried to talk to them. The girl was sitting on her bed crying her eyes out, she had scars all over her face. And the boy was really edgy." Lisanna said. A boy replied, " Well, there are some people that just don't want to talk. Are you still gonna try to be 'friends' with them? " "Of course. It wouldn't hurt, they don't talk to anyone but each other. They've gotta be brother and sister or something." ' Well, we feel like it...' I thought. I noticed Lisanna and the boy, he had pink hair, walk over to us. "Hi! I'm Natsu Dragneel! I'm a fire dragon slayer!" Natsu said, apparently very happy to see us. "I-I'm Lucy, I'm a celestial wizard.." Lucy stuttered. "I'm Loke, I have ring magic." I replied, upset at them for coming over to our corner table. "Hey, guys, I heard that there's a karaoke contest later!" Lisanna said. " You guys should totally be in it, it's so fun! I'm always in it, I promise it really is. " At the sound of the karaoke contest, Lucy's face lit up. "Really? I love to sing!" She said. " Well... If Lucy's doing it, then I guess I will... " I said reluctantly.

~~~~~~~~~That night~~~~~~~

Lucy's POV

The girl we ran into on our first day turned out to be lisanna's older sister, Mirajane. "Okay, guys! So, as it turns out, our newest members are going to sing today. But first, Lisanna!" She said, walking back stage. Lisanna came on and sang "Perfect 2" . She said it went out to Natsu. Figures. Anyway, teenagers named Gajeel and Levy sang, well, acted out, a song called "It's not like I like you" it was really funny. Gray sang "Friends" with the lyrics slightly altered so it was like he was talking to a girl. Jellal sang "Angel with a shotgun", Erza sang "Wolves", and Juvia sang "the zombie song". it was Loke's turn now. He sang a song called "stand by you" He said it went out to me, and no matter how dark my world is, he'll always be right there. It was honestly really cute coming from him. Finally, it was my turn. I sang a song called "DNA". It's about how a girl didn't want to be like her father, since he went to prison, but she was talking about how you can't stop dna. I mentally sent it out to my father, but I didn't say it. When I came off the stage, I ran to Loke and hugged him because I had started crying. "Was it about the... Thing?" He asked. I knew he was talking about my dad, and I nodded. He set me in his lap and held me tightly. 

     Mira went back on stage. "Okay guys, so, we couldn't decide! So we just said, why can't they all win? " Everyone clapped, and yelled the name of their favorite. I heard Gale, I had absolutely no idea what that was, Gray, Erza, Juvia, a few Loke and Lucy's here and there, but mostly Lisanna. "I guess I really am a better singer than anyone in the guild!" She said, smiling. Lisanna walked up to us and looked directly at me. "Aaw. Are you crying because you didn't win? You should learn to respect your superiors, you know." She said with a smirk, walking back to Natsu. I quickly ran to the bathroom and I started throwing up. 

Loke's POV

     I noticed what Lisanna said immediately. I swear it took all I had not to punch her! I asked Mirajane for some chocolate because Lucy ran to the bathroom. I assumed that she started throwing up. I walked into the girls bathroom and called out, "Hey, Lucy are you in here?" I found her in a stall, she didn't bother to close the door. " hey are you alright? " I asked. She obviously shook her head no. She stopped throwing up and leaned her head on the wall. "No... God... I hate her! Lisanna is so mean!" She practically yelled. "Yeah... She must've lied when she said she only heard the part about you dreaming..." I said with hate in my eyes. "Hey, this is for you by the way," I said, handing her the chocolate, blushing. "Thanks. I think I'll have to go to the doctor and get checked for PTSD tomorrow..." She said, taking a bite of the chocolate. Suddenly I heard the door open, but I ignored it. "Hey, Lucy, Loke. Is this why you asked for the chocolate?" She asked. I nodded. "why'd she throw up?" Mira asked. "W-we think it was something Lisanna said..." I said, trying to not to sound rude. Lucy nodded. " Oh... Well, Lisanna only gets like that when she's jealous of someone, " mira told us. "Why would she be jealous of me? She overheard a conversation we had earlier and I'm sure she'd rather die than be in my situation..." Lucy said, close to crying. "Okay... Well, I'll go take care of her, if you ever wanna talk about something, you can come to me!" Mira said, leaving the bathroom. 

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