First Job

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     Loke's POV

        We showed him our magic, and we went back out to where everyone else was. "Listen up brats!" Makarov said, "these kids are members of fairy tail now, I don't want anyone messing around with them!" We heard a lot of things such as "whatever" and "if you say so", mostly from the other teenagers. 

      We never left each other's side, except when I had to go to the celestial realm. After about a month of practicing our magic, we decided to take our first job. It was in the mountains, defeating some kind of ice monsters, neither of us could read that well, for- 3,000 Jewel?! "Come on, Loke, we should do it, it's not that hard..." Lucy whispered to me. "Okay," I said as I grabbed the flyer off of the request board.

        Lucy was panting as we neared the top of the mountain. "Why.. Did the walk... Have to be so long.?" She asked trying to catch her breath. " I don't know, but I'm kind of used to it, " I replied. "Holy shit those are really big monsters!" I yelled, forgetting the fact that Lucy was there. " Yeah, no joke! Loke, blast it!  Sorry, you're the only spirit I can use right now. " She said back, putting a little empathy in the last sentence. "I'm fine with it," I replied, trying to fight it. After about 30 minutes, it was finally down. "H-hey, Loke? I-if you want, you can ride in Horologium if you w-want..." She stuttered. I honestly don't know why, but her face was fairly pink. Maybe it was just from the cold. "Are you sure? I can just go to the spirit realm, conjuring two spirits at once takes a lot of magic energy..." I replied, hesitant to agree, because I didn't want to be rude. "I'm positive! I've used two spirits at once since I was 6!" She replied cheerily. " Okay... " I agreed. "Open, gate of the clock, Horologium!" She conjured Horologium, breathing with slight difficulty. I slowly stepped in, and it felt really nice. It was warm, and comfortable.

      Lucy's POV

       I started playing around with Loke's key, rubbing it. I've done this before, and with my other spirits it tickles. I've gotten Aquarius to relax with it before. "Hey! That tickles! The boy laughed," Horologium said. Since we couldn't hear from the outside, he says what the person inside says, similar to dialogue in a story. "Really?" I said, rubbing it just a little quicker. " Y-yes! It does, a I-haha! S-stop it, please! The boy begged, continuing to laugh, " Horologium pronounced. I rubbed it very slowly, hoping this would help him fall asleep. It did. By now, we were about a quarter of the way down the mountain. 'he's really cute when he's sleeping...' I thought. 

      Loke woke up just as we got down the mountain. He got out of Horologium, still yawning. "Did you have a good nap, sleepy head?" I asked, sending Horologium back to the spirit realm. He nodded. We soon reached the village that sent the request. "Wait, we get a key, too?" We said in unison , suprised. We did not see that in the paper. "Yeah, it's Taurus. So here are your rewards." The chief said, and he gave us the jewel and key. When we got back to the guild, it was dark. " So, you get 2,000 jewel, since you actually fought, and I get 1,000 and the key. Is that okay? " I asked, since I was trying to negotiate the reward money. "You're giving me some of the reward?" He asked, puzzled. " Yeah, why wouldn't I? I wouldn't even have it if you weren't there. " I said, and he took the money, still confused. " We should probably go to bed, " Loke said, leaving Earthland. 

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