Ch.1 The Year Peacekeeper

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"Okay So it is decided. (C/n), you'll be living with the Yugoslavs for a year to help them...Just help them. It shouldn't be that hard, but then again I wouldn't want to be in your position. Cheers chap."

"Ja, (C/n) is the only one who can do this. We are counting on you."

"Yeah dudette Just let me know if they are a bit too much, I'll send a healthy dose of freedom over there!"

"I-I didn't even agree to this...."

It is early in the morning and I had just arrived at the Yugoslav household.....The house seems decently big, as I heard there were 7 people already living here....I was sent, against my will, to live here for an entire year to help out with their situation.

The only reason I was chosen was because I am another neutral European nation that has no connection to them or anyone else for that matter, so they can't have any way to judge me.

I let out a sigh as I gently knock on the door. I can hear a little commotion behind the door, almost like arguing between battling accents. After letting that soak in the door opened a little bit as everything went silent.

The first thing I notice wasn't even the person in front of me, but rather the two people in the background. They looked like they were just in a tussle, hair all messy and hands firmly holding parts of each other's clothings. I felt several sets of eyes on me.

My eyes went to the person in front of me, who's soft brown eyes were just silently pleading for help as they were filled with worry. " must be from the EU right?"The man spoke before the two in the background moved away from each other.

He was looking down at me slightly as his wavy blond hair almost reminded me of France's golden locks... "Yes...I are?"I can faintly smell beer from him...He seemed quite timid for such a big guy...

"My name is Slovenia...please come in...."He Said, opening the door wider as he took a step back, allowing me in with my suitcase trailing not to far behind. "Was it just me or did I see some people fighting behind you?"

He seemed to freeze up a little and chuckle nervously, already lying to me hm... "Fighting? What we never fight that is lie. Eyes playing tricks. No fighting here—hahaha....."Slovenia seemed a bit suspicious and I'm not going to question him further.

As I looked around the room I noticed someone sleeping on the couch, along with two people in the kitchen. "Um...."I gulped a little as I heard a husky voice call out at me. "You."

I turned toward the kitchen to see one of the two people who were fighting walking straight at me. O-Of course it had to be the bigger buffer one too! "M-me?"I Said like an idiot as he stopped right in front of me.

He had piercing brown eyes and his messy brown hair....This cross necklace he had on made me think he was religious... "You're the EU representative?Ha. I thought they would send someone stronger then a puny girl."He...smirked at me?!

He crossed his arms with this smug, dominant aura as I was almost at a loss for words. "Whatever, name's Serbia, don't get in my way—" "How DARE you speak to a lady like that Serbia! You should be ashamed of yourself!"A feminine voice rang through my ears as I see Serbia 'tsk' and look to the side like he did nothing.

A woman with long braided brown hair and brown eyes appears from out the kitchen wearing a long flowing dress, but this...motherly aura about her. "And Alexander the Great arrives."Serbia muttered before looking down at the female. "Why the hell should the Great Serbia listen to you—"

The Dysfunctional Family Of Europe (Reader x Yugotalia)Where stories live. Discover now