Ch.2 The Fight

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I dashed out of my room to see where the yelling was coming from before I just heard letter vomit being thrown back and forth in an aggressive way. I-I don't understand their languages at all!

Once I got to the top of the steps, I scrutinized the sight of seeing Serbia holding Croatia up by his collar. The expression on pure rage was something like a bull, just pure unbridled rage. What was going on that made him so angry?

"Remember, you have to keep the peace, so try to stop them from having too much Riff raff."

"C-can you two please not fight?"I asked from the top of the steps as both of them look my way. Croatia's Eyes seemed to be saying for me to let him do this while Serbia....I-I can see the very essence of what Started World War One....His nationalism is so high that it would be a sky dive to his general appeal....

"No! Because apparently getting bruised up is the only way this bitch listens!"Serbia snapped, as I blinked in disbelief. "What....What are you two even fighting about? To get to the point of actual...violence?"

They didn't say anything as I noticed Serbia's grip started to loosen. "See...I feel like the thing you two are fighting over isn't that important—" "No! You're wrong! It is important! Very important! It has to do with why everyone will forever see you as the villain of Europe!"Croatia growled at the male as Serbia now choked him before landing a swift blow in his gut.

I heard him croak our some inaudible words before getting dropped to the ground, twitching in a ball. "That Fake Country is the least of my worries."Serbia said quietly before turning to me.

"And you. What did I say about getting in my way little miss?"Serbia stepped toward me as I took a couple steps back. It seemed like all of the lively noise that was around the house was drowned out, leaving me to listen to his every word.

"You just got here today. You don't know how things work in this house and you barely know any of us! You were just sent here to make the EU look good."Serbia growled at me, leaning me speechless.

"I....I was sent here to help make this household more peaceful...."I replied timidly, because having him standing in front of me after choking out something was probably the most terrifying position I've ever been in.

"More peaceful?"Serbia raised a brow at me before sighing. "There is no such thing as peace in the Balkan countries."He Said before walking away, going up the stairs. I can't just let him walk away from this without...without any punishment!

My breathing began to tremble as I could feel confrontation slowly wrapping around my throat to choke me alive. I-I'm not meant to deal with this sort of stuff! I can't do it...I'm a neutral country, I'm not about conflict and...and being so forward! I live in isolation because of my mountains, I was never built for this!

But...If I don't say anything...everything Serbia just said would be true....I won't get to know them...I will just be here to make the EU look good.

"You have to assert your dominance more or else those guys will just trample over you the whole time."

I'm sort of glad England was the one who prepared me for this.

"D-don't you go anywhere yet! You can't just walk away from me! I'm not letting you just get away with whatever you want just!"I said, putting my foot down finally as he stopped moving at the top of the steps, looking down at me like a king gazing down at a peasant.

"I'm staying here for an entire year and I intend to get down to the bottom of this...this chaos. I don't care how much research I'll have to do but I'm going to do it!"I exclaimed at him as he didn't say anything for a moment before smirking at me and sighing.

"Good luck on that. Not everything about us is written down in stone."Serbia said before turning his back and walking away. I groaned in frustration before hearing Croatia sputter a little, making my attention shift to him.

"S-sorry I couldn't stop him..."I whispered to Croatia, moving his arm around my neck to help him stand up. "You don't need to help me....this happens all the time...."He Said as he glanced over at me with a blank expression.

"So....if not everything is written down....tell me. What were you two arguing about?"Croatia looked away from me. "Take me up to my room and we'll discuss...."He Said quietly, as I nodded in response to help him up.

Once inside his room I realized that it was right next to my own. Along with that, there were some decorations on the walls...and on his dresser. It seemed really tidy. A military uniform hung on his wall, along with a black and white photo, and a gun in a case underneath.

On his dresser were a plethora of photos...most of them seemed to be people in the members I assume. There was a picture of another woman besides Macedonia, but....I wasn't here to snoop around.

"So you want to know about what we were arguing about....we'll have you met Kosovo yet?" Kosovo?I don't believe so....he must be one of the two people I haven't seen yet...

"No I haven't...Which room is He in?"I asked before Croatia shook his head. "He has his own room, at the end of this hall. But he never goes in it."He replied.

"But Why?"He glanced at me with a sort of...sorrow. As if he had much more to tell me then what I asked him in the first place. "Kosovo made his own room in the closet downstairs. He has his blanket...pillow...and books he reads down there. He's acrophobic, so he hates big open's like the opposite of claustrophobia."He Said before looking away from me again.

"He also has PTSD from his war with Serbia....He has trust issues tacked onto that, so he really only trusts me and my friend Albania."Croatia said, telling me a bit more. "He's a nice boy...he's not very old...well as a country he isn't compared to the rest of us....but he is still our little brother. The problem stems from Serbia not recognizing him as a country, nor his brother."He Said with an aggravated tone.

"I....I'm so sorry...."Could I have said anything else at the time? I didn't know that I was this serious... "How long has this been going on?" The Croatian Male seemed to pause for a moment. "I would say...about 20 years. Give or take a few of course."He Said. "And of course, I am the only one who speaks up to Serbia about it, so I get the beatings."

Suffering...for more than 20 years?! I couldn't even bare to imagine something so horrible...

I don't know why but I suddenly wrapped my arms around him, causing his eyes to widen like supernovas. "W-w-w-what are you doing?"He stuttered, a tiny blush on his face as he tried to push me off for a moment before ceasing and relaxing. "I just....I felt like you needed a hug..."

He didn't say anything back as he just sat there, my head resting on his arm. I can faintly hear his heart beating. That thumping....It reminded me that although he's been through all of this stuff he's still alive.

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