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La La <3

Me : Manu just tickled me and he had boxers on

Lana : OOh girl you got a man

Me : but then he said some stupid shit....

Lana : Why are you guys up at 2:00 am lol

Me : I was asleep he woke me up

Lana : mhmmmm c ya at school gn

Me: gnn girll

I fall asleep having a dream of manu and I dating  . I woke up smiling as I smell break fast

I get up and rush to my closet . Hmm what should I wear 

 Hmm what should I wear 

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I wear this . I  leave my hair down  .   And go downstairs I see manu eating 

a cake. And some fruit . Hi mom and Mr. Rios . Hi sweet heart " my mom and

Mr. Rios said. Manu hottt but I try to contain myself  I don't  Know what has gotten

Into me!? " i say to myself. " As i sit down I grab a piece of fruit and eat it"

Manu stared at me and slightly smiled. Im suprised he even smiled at me.

I fake smile at him and I exit the door. I walk to school and Manu 

Runs right past me going to his friends. He recieved tons of gifts from girls he 

slept with and his friends . I see Lana and shes talking to Manu.

She then walks over to me. Hi Amber " she says".

What was that .  I just wished Manu a happy birthday  " she says"

Manu is a jerk .  I know but i had to be nice after all he has been nice to me.

" she says". Wow thats a big shocker.  we both laugh. we finished 4th period.

It was lunch time. Lana and I sat next to each other . She got the salad. While I got

the Hamburger.  We talked and talked. Manu is staring at you girll popping the L .

Ew what.  I turn my head and he was staring at me then he stopped. That was

weird first the smile now the stare.  Who cares !  I roll my eyes. Oh of coure ya do

you totally like him  " she  says teasing" Keep it down I don't want people thinking

I like him when I totally don't . Lol lies " she says laughing"  School ended.

I was walking then suddenly I feel a stranger touch my shoulder. What do you want?!

but it was just Manu . I have to walk you home .  No just go home by yourself. K bye loser he trips me. And  all the teens filled with laughter including Manu. Ugh jerk..... Until this Blonde haired boy helped me up it was my old crush back in middle school. Puberty hit him like a truck

hes super hot. Hey are you okay? "he asks"  Yes im fine Nolan I smile. Good he smiles.

May I walk you home? " he asks"......

I hope you are enjoying my story :)

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