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Wow hes doing it again..... But I  just don't get whats his problem...  Manu's dad 

talked to my mom about Manu. I finished eating and went upstairs. As I enter my room I

feel a grab. It was a rough one. It was Manu ...  He pushed me against the wall.

Now at first I thought he was trying to have sex but no. He grabbed my neck

he was choking me..... I tried to scream but he covered my mouth. I 

couldn't breath at all.. It was litteratly  breath taking.  He turned red

and I turn purple. He stops as I hit the floor. And he walks away like nothing

happend. What was his deal. I  breath heavily with bruises on my neck

 I grab my phone and text Lana ... Oh wait I cant.. shit. How about Nolan

I grab my phone and text Nolan ...  but wait I dont want Manu

to get hurt... I sigh then fall asleep.Afraid if I was gonna die.

I wake up . Today was the first time we met. Since it was summer break 

I wanted to do this today.  I sigh. I walk downstairs. I see Manu

I scratch the back of my neck and look away. I couldnt

stare at him even though I really wanted to. He handed me a note and

Appologized he said, he was drunk..


I felt dizzy , I had so much anger balled up in  me so yeah .

I drank some liquor . I hate to see Amber with someone else

I touch her shoulder, barely in control of my self.  I choke her 

tightly but she tried to scream. I didn't want any one 

to know what I was doing. I drop her as she turns purple.

And walk out. The next day I was already at the table for break fast

she came down trying to ignore me . I wrote her this letter--

Look Im so sincerely sorry I remember  I knew what I did

Because of the bruises you tried to cover on your neck with make up

I was drunk . I didn't mean to and I would never try to hurt you.

She read than fake smiled.

Um thanks for appologizing I guess He gets up from his seat and hugs me

I blush as my mom says aww thats so sweet, of you Manu.  He thanks

My mom. And smiles. But Im glad she didn't figure out what he did...

He smiled and smiled. It was so adorable.  As My mom and Mr. Rios 

hands us $50 to go shop we went. Manu drove the car. And he smiled

Hey I don't want you to feel scared in any type of way he looks

than foccuses back on the road. As we arrive to the beverly

center mall.  I see Lana and she smiles . She comes over to Manu

and I and he puts his arm around her shoulder. I feel kinda left out

as they talk. Finally Manu went into Victoria secret with Lana.

I just go on my own paste . I walk around buying cute clothes , and makeup

I  have a little money left so I go to wetzels pretzels to eat. Manu and Lana come over

to me .  I roll my eyes . Yeah maybe I was jealous but I have Nolan I think to myself.

I call Nolan and tell him to come. But I see Nolan ......

My Hot Step brotherWhere stories live. Discover now