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Manu : guess what I found out....

Me: what

Manu :......

Manu : your mom texted me My dad and her broke up

thats why they haven't been talking or sleeping with each other 

Me : WHAT THE FUCK why is this good.

Manu : B cuz I can finally b with u

I look up at Manu and smile.  Manu I love you . Manu laughed and said I was kidding

Lana was kidding to he laughs. I knew you liked me... I sigh and said you got me...

Nolan comes over here. Hey Lans , Manu and last but not least amber he says.

Shut up  you cheated on me.  Um we aren't dating your not even pretty

Right shes not pretty shes beautiful. Manu says. I smiled Lana interrupts 

um Manu stop. No Im getting our parents to break up. He says strictly

and he looks serious. Nolan and Lana roll their eyes. Wait how am 

I not pretty Nolan you said that I was special and beautiful. It was

a joke just chill out okay everyone knows you like Manu and

everyone knows you peed on yourself because you like him He said

it loudly . People give him some stares but people laugh at me.

Why am I so ugly I think to myself. I leave but turn around sadly

Manu Pushes Nolan then punches him. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT
TO HER SHES A GIRL he punches him . Until the mall security comes

I had to wait in mall jail with him. My Mom and Mr. Rios come

Mr. Rios says Im sorry but my son is a bad influence on the family he looks down.

 Yes and I hope you two can be friends just like Mr. Rios and I My mom says sadly.

Wait what are you saying mom?! I say loudly you two Are breaking.....

My Hot Step brotherWhere stories live. Discover now