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My heart was telling me no but my mind was telling me yes. Fine I roll my eyes.

We both drinked. The burning of  my throat from the alchohol. I drank more and more and could'nt stop. Manu was drunk too...  As im drinking Manu  Pulled my hand. And I said heyyyy

wasssuupp . He pulls me to the bathrooms drunkly   He took his boxers off.

I took my panties off. He rubs his fingers  into my clit hitting my soft spot I let out a soft moan. He moaned aswell. He sticks his ( you know) In my  ( You know)  I moan super loud  . HE moans hella loud .  YeSSSS Manu . We did it for about 30 mins.  ( we used protection)  The next morning I woke up at the house. Why were my clothes off!  This is weird anywho. I don't rememeber what happend last night .  I woke up with my legs hurting like hell. Oh I laugh i still have my party clothes on. I put my pajamas on. I walk downstairs for breakfast. Hi Mom and Mr. Rios They all

say Hi and how was  Manu's party. I said fun i guess I shrugged my shoulders. Manu ate his food.

Damn hes hotter with messy hair.... I think to myself.  I sit down and roll my eyes at him. Manu rolls his eyes and sticks his tounge out at me.  Ugh whatever we both eat.  I go back upstairs ( because its the weekend) I watched 13 reasons why and drank some rootbeer. I got so many

people talking to me on insta making fun of me i got 2k more followers. I got comments like ew

thats the girl who peed over manu . Ew shes a pervert etc etc.  Ugh I go on insta live.  1000k people were watching and commenting Hi mami. Ew yuck . How does this girl have 40k followers. Shes so hot but weird etc. Look guys let me explain.... 

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