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The day was like any other, a cloudy Sunday afternoon over a busy but pleasant city.

There was a slight drizzle in the air, puddles of rainwater splashed as pedestrians strolled over them, making their way down the pavement of the street.

One such pedestrian in particular seemed to walk by with a little more enthusiasm than most. Something about Scott's subtle curiousity to the neighbourhood around him made his appearance down the somewhat gloomy street a little outstanding. Or maybe that was just his newly dyed, bright-but-deep-orange hair, prominent against the overcast sky and dull coloured buildings.

 He had strolled down this way to see his friend Oli, as he was in town and wanted to drop by and say hello. He didn't always seen his friends often, so times like this were great to see them in person every once in a while.

With his head held high and a relaxed smile on his face, Scott turned off the pathway towards his friend's house. He knocked at the front door, and waited for a response. A few seconds past and he knocked again. Nothing. Fiddling with the doorhandle with no original intention of making his own way in, he realised the door was unlocked.

Strange, he thought. Knowing his friend should be home, Scott peaked inside.

"Oli, Oli it's me Scott" he called out "are you there?"

But no response came. He slowly walked in, multiple lights around the house were on so his friend must  be home.

"Oli" Scott called out again, slowly making his way to Oli's recording room, thinking he might be recording a FunCraft Lets Play and probably had headphones in. He peered in side, surely, he noticed the back of a panda beanie from behind a leather chair, but Oli still did not respond.

Treading closer, Scott tried to get a better look at him, why can't he hear me? As he got closer, he noticed Oli was slunk back in his chair with his eyes closed and mouth partially opened. He seemed to be asleep.

He must have fallen asleep while recording a video, Scott thought, no wonder that boy almost never uploads!

Scott was about to leave his friend be, when he suddenly became aware of the silence around him. Other than the buzzing of Oli's computer and the traffic in the distance, the room seemed eerily quiet. There was a sound missing, but he couldn't quite pin it.

Then it hit him, more like a bullet than a realisation. It was breathing. He could hear his own clearly, but only his own. Not Oli's.

When he listened for Oli's breathing it came in slow, shallow, barely hearable breaths. Cautiously, and instinctively, Scott put his hand to his friend's heart. There was a heartbeat...but it took what felt like minutes for the next one to arrive.

Something was definitely wrong.

He began to shake him slightly, "Oli! Hey, are you there? It's me, Scott. Wake up..." 

No response.

He tried harder "...Wake up man! I'm not joking here, wake up! Oli!"

Still no response.

No matter how hard he shook his friend, he wouldn't wake up. Out of silent panic, Scott reached for his phone and dialled 999, whatever was wrong with Oli, it was serious.

Ewendere; A FunCraft FanficWhere stories live. Discover now